

this would appear to be an official propaganda
exercise, both in the publication of the book, and its
extensive review in various parts of the US.

I recently replied to a review in an east coast

It is Goebbel's Big Lie again, since the essential
claim is that the US. "didn't intervene enough",
whereas in reality it was responsible for the fighting
in the first place. I suggest any reply should be
along these lines. 

--- Nancy Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---------------------------
> This past Thursday, 3/28, WPFW aired an absulutely
> horrendous piece of
>  propaganda on Josephine Reid's show "On the Margin"
> a literary show
> that
>  airs every Thursday from 10-11 am.  On 3/28, Ms.
> Reid interviewed
> Samantha
>  Powers, author of a book titled "A Problem From
> Hell", a book about
>  responding to cases of genocide in the world. In
> the interview, Ms.
> Powers
>  shamelessly advocated American military
> intervention in any area of the
>  world where there are civil wars going on, and
> charges of genocide
> being
>  committed against various ethnic groups.  She
> defended American
> military
>  intervention in Iraq, Bosnia, Somalia and Kosovo,
> and said that the US
>  should intervene militarily in other areas of the
> world as well, such
> as
>  Rwanda.  Her arguments had a very self-righteous
> tone to them, implying
> that
>  the United States has the moral authority to tell
> other countries how
> they
>  should resolve their internal conflicts, and that
> the US supposedly has
> a
>  "moral" duty to intervene in conflicted areas in
> the name of
> "humanitarian"
>  intervention.  Even though Bill Clinton is one of
> the most militaristic
>  Presidents this country has ever had, and initiated
> more US military
> actions
>  than Nixon, Carter and Reagan combined, Ms. Powers
> complained that
> Clinton
>  had, of all things, not intervened militarily in
> ENOUGH areas of the
> world,
>  had not intervened soon ENOUGH or strong ENOUGH in
> Bosnia, Somalia and
>  Kosovo.
>  I found it very disturbing that Pacifica, a station
> that purports to be
>  progressive, and was founded by pacifists, would
> see fit to air such a
>  pro-militarist and pro-imperialist piece.
> I believe we should express our displeasure to WPFW
> for airing
>  this piece.
>  I believe that it is very dangerous at this time of
> increasing
> militarism
>  and war fervor for the station to be promoting and
> encouraging such
>  pro-interventionist sentiments.  The ploy of
> couching wars in terms of
>  "humanitarian intervention" is dangerous, because
> it gives these wars
> an air
>  of undeserved legitimacy.  This was used by Clinton
> by justifying the
> war
>  against Serbia as a war to stop "ethnic cleansing",
> and is also being
>  applied by the Bush Administration by claiming that
> the war against the
>  Taliban "liberated" Afgan women.
>  Personally, I believe that the progressive view
> should be that if there
> are
>  real cases of genocide happening and people feel
> compelled to do
> something
>  to help in these situations there are charitable
> non-governmental
>  organizations that activists can support as
> individuals that will help
> the
>  victims, but that progressives should never call
> for the military force
> of
>  the US government to be brought down on smaller,
> weaker nations.
>  I work with a DC Coalition to Stop the War Against
> Iraq, and we're
> hopefully going to write some sort of a letter
> written in the name of
> the Coalition to Pacifica.  If we do, I'll post a
> copy of it to this
> list.  I'll also try to get contact information for
> Pacifica for anybody
> who wants to complain to then
>  Peacefully Yours,
>  Nancy A. Hey
> ---------------------------

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