
----- Original Message -----
From: Palestine Monitor Alquds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 7:47 PM
Subject: Jenin Update

> The Palestine Monitor, A PNGO Information Clearinghouse
> Jenin Update
> 8th April 2002
> The United Nations refugee camp of Jenin, a one-kilometer square patch of
> land home to 15,000 people, has for the past five days been under a
> sustained Israeli military attack. Israeli forces have used apache
> helicopters, tanks, and ground-to-ground missiles to shell and bombard the
> civilians in the camp. The Israelis themselves estimate that more than one
> hundred people have already been killed in the onslaught; Palestinians
> believe the number will be much higher as many of the 100s of injured will
> die because, since the beginning of this atrocity, they have been
> from receiving medical care.
> Yesterday in the camp soldiers rounded up males between the ages of 15-45
> and interned them in a yard. One elderly man was shot dead by soldiers as
> obeyed their orders and left his house.
> Bulldozers have been used to destroy homes in order to make the streets
> alleyways wide enough for tanks to move down when the Israeli army
> eventually takes over the whole camp. The camp has not had electricity or
> water for five days now, and Dr. Barghouti reports that the Medical Relief
> Committees have received calls from people who have no food or water and
> have been reduced to drinking dirty water running in the streets. People
> injured in the streets, and the bodies of those killed sit in the houses
> streets, decomposing.
> At the same time the sick and wounded are still being denied medical care.
> few hours ago the Red Cross coordinated the movement of three ambulances,
> from the city of Jenin to the camp. A mere 50 yards from the hospital the
> ambulances were fired upon and forced to return to the hospital, yet more
> proof of the discrepancy between what the army and government says the are
> doing, and the reality of the situation.
> A woman (she did not want her name used) whose son was killed on Friday,
> she has yet to see or bury his body described the past days to us. She
> “we were inside the camp, sitting inside our homes with shells falling all
> around us, from everywhere. In the streets we could see a few bodies of
> dead and many people injured from the shelling– they were close but we
> couldn’t get them because of the danger. Many houses were destroyed, and
> was smoky because of the fires. We have stayed there five days – we had no
> electricity, no food, and no water.
> At 5AM this morning the soldiers banged with their guns on our door. They
> said we had to leave – so the 60 men, women and children who were in our
> house left. They made us leave with their guns pointed on us – all the way
> to where they had gathered all the men, women and children together. Then
> they forced the men to strip to their underclothes. We had to wait and
> sitting on the ground for hours, the soldiers even spat on us. Then they
> took the men away – we don’t know where. At 11 am they let us, the women
> children, leave the camp – forced us into the city – where there is still
> curfew. Where can we go? Some of the people have family in the city – and
> some of the city people have taken us – but now there is a bigger problem
> for them. Already there was not enough food, no water, and no electricity
> the city. And now all of us have to also be with them - these people we do
> not know.”
> This is the third time since 1948 that these people in Jenin refugee camp
> have been forced to leave their homes by the Israeli army.
> For more information contact Juliana at the Palestine Monitor
> +972 (0)2 5834021 or +972 (0)2 5833510


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