
----- Original Message ----- 
To: AMANA e-mail Members <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 7:58 AM
Subject: Urgent: Eyewitness report from West Bank #2 (The way it came!)

> Dear All:
> I am the director of the Khalil Sakakini Cultural
> Centre in Ramallah . As I am under siege at home, 
> i am sending out this email to
> journalist friends, & others, to ask to please get our
> message out & disseminated further.
> I hope this message will not become morbid fodder for
> chain emails to draw pity, or prayers, or donations,
> but rather actions. We are doing our bit by resisting
> & or standing steadfast, & ask the world to please do
> its bit in the name of our common humanity, each
> according to his her/own capacity. We do not want to
> become the red indians of the Arab world, but simply
> want to live free, in peace & dignity on this land.
> I will start by a few paragraphs' overview of the
> situation "live" as i see it, & follow it with 9
> suggestions of what we would please like to see happen
> in the media & elsewhere in the outside world.
> Firstly tonight -Sunday- we have heard numerous
> reports of 30 Palestinian policemen executed in cold
> blood by Israeli soldiers in a building where they
> sought refuge on Irssal street in Ramallah. This was
> after 5 Palestinian officers were executed by being
> shot to the head & then had their corpses thrown on
> the pavement for hours on Friday. Ambulances are
> prevented from reaching their destinations & 2
> hospitals have either been broken into (Arabcare) or
> shot at (Nazer Maternity Hospital). If this continues,
> it will be another Chechnya or Sarajevo in the making.
> Personally, I have been shut at home since Friday
> morning, like all the tens of thousands of inhabitants
> of Ramallah & El-Bireh, & no prospect of an end soon.
> We did not have electricity for one day, but thank God
> it got reestablished today Sunday.
> One of the employees of the Sakakini Center had the
> Israeli army burst into his village (Kobar) yesterday,
> destroy belongings & arrest his younger brother,
> alongside 30 other young men from the village.
> The cleaning lady of the Center lives in a house with
> an outhouse for toilets. For 3 days the Israelis have
> been posted by the door to her house & preventing all
> exit. When the eldest today sneaked out to the
> outhouse, the Israelis caught him & beat him. His
> school teacher father tried to intervene, the Israelis
> beat him & arrested him.
> One of the board members of our center was arrested
> with all the employees of the office building where he
> was working late Thursday night. They were all
> blindfolded & had their hands tied & placed in one
> room for 16 hours. The Israelis destroyed some office
> furniture & stole hard drives from computers. They all
> untied themselves once they realized the Israelis had
> gone on to bigger prey.
> My brother in law & his wife & their 3 under-10 year
> old kids are without phone & electricity since Friday
> & cannot go live w/ someone else as they would be shot
> at.
> My next door neighbor's 70+ year old father lives
> near Yasser Arafat's office. The Israelis broke into
> his home Friday, broke everything w/ the butt of their
> rifles (TV, sinks, furniture, etc.. ) & then stole
> some money.
> There are reports also of Israeli soldiers breaking
> into banks & change offices & jewelery stores &
> stealing money & jewelry.
> In El Bireh, they arrested Saturday 150 young men
> between 16-45 years of age after calling out for men
> of this age bracket to get out, they are grouping them
> in Ramallah's Old City.
> The only local private TV station in town that used to
> air hourly news & advice (Watan TV) has been seized by
> the Israelis on Friday, & they are now airing
> pornographic films. Journalists have been ordered out
> of Ramallah today Sunday.
> All neighborhoods are abuzz with talk of who is next
> in Israeli home incursions. As for me & many others,
> there is the human instinct of crying out for help
> when in danger.
> What we have done: With our means we have made phone
> calls to appeal for help & pressure on the
> international community to a number of high level
> officials in a number of neigboring countries, as well
> as sent appeals to the media like this one.
> Below are 9 modest &/or utopic suggestions & requests:
> 1- This is a long siege please keep the pressure to
> have our story told & appeals for action continuous.
> 2- The Centre's admin.& finance director, Ms. Manal
> Issa has collected about 10 testimonies by children
> around her describing conditions under siege as well
> as drawings she has scanned. These testimonies in
> Arabic can be obtained directly from her at:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] I will translate them tomorrow to
> englsih & have them available. I am also asking that
> anybody who gets this email directly or forwarded, ask
> us for copies of these testimonies to have them
> published as widely as possible.
> 3- Please ask for pressure on the international
> community & decision makers to lift the siege on us.
> We need tens & hundreds of letters daily to:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] & vice.president@white
> 4- If you do not want that, please write mainstream
> news organizations in the US about the siege.
> 5- We need daily demonstrations in front of Israeli
> embassies.
> 6- We need appeals from Arab artists to western
> European artists for concerts/demonstrations/appeals
> to decision makers to lift the siege.
> 7- We need action by Western/European artists for
> events to ask for the siege to be lifted on us.
> 8- If you work for a publication, please keep a
> section for daily news or weekly news from the siege,
> interviews with witnesses to repression/the siege,
> children's testimonies, & information from hospitals.
> 9-The disastrous health picture can be obtained by
> calling the Ramallah Hospital & talking to its
> director Dr. Atari or to the Deputy minister of health
> who is stationed there Dr. Munther Sharif 
> (972 2 2 298 2220).
> 10- Please give us your suggestions for action & for
> what you need from us to better help us.
> Thank you all & we all look forward to hearing from
> you soon,
> Adila Laidi.
> "Say NO to attacks on Muslims Civil & Human Rights"
>                   The AMANA Voice
> - find what you want!


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