
[Even someone guilty of the butchery Bagnall was in
Malaysia and Cyprus drew the line at NATO's policy of
'forward defence,' of 'preemptive' nuclear
incineration. But his type has been purged in favor of
'new thinking.']

Field Marshal Sir Nigel Bagnall 
Decorated for courage in Malaysia, he later fought
battles over Nato's cold war policy before facing the
ultimate opponent - Mrs Thatcher
David Fairhall
Thursday April 11, 2002
The Guardian
Field Marshal Sir Nigel Bagnall, who has died aged 75,
began his career as an infantryman in the Malaysian
jungle, spent his middle years trying to make military
sense of Nato's nuclear-dominated strategy on the
north German plain, and ended up a Whitehall warrior
who fell foul of Margaret Thatcher. Probably for this
last reason, he never made it quite to the top,
retiring as head of the army, but not chief of the
defence staff. If he regarded this as a failure, it
was an honourable one, a tribute to intellectual
honesty that matched his soldierly courage. 
Bagnall was born in India and educated at Wellington.
At the end of the second world war, aged 18, he joined
his father's regiment, the Green Howards, though he
then transferred temporarily to the Parachute
Regiment. With the paras' 8th Battalion he saw service
in Palestine at a time when Israelis, not Arabs, were
seen as the "terrorists". But it was back with the
Green Howards, in the subsequent Malaysian emergency,
that the young red-haired officer first made his mark.

Fighting to suppress the communist insurgency of the
early 1950s, Bagnall won the Military Cross for a
daring night operation to destroy a jungle camp and
its occupants. In the citation he was praised, among
other things, for his "ruthless energy" - a quality
that also characterised his approach to the political
battles which dominated his later career. Before
leaving Malaysia, he received a bar to his MC for an
operation in command of a machine gun platoon. 
Having been commissioned as an infantryman, Bagnall
was nevertheless intensely interested in the problems
of armoured warfare. After a brief spell fighting yet
another band of "terrorists" - the Eoka in Cyprus - he
changed direction permanently to join an armoured
regiment, the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards. This meant
repeated tours in Germany, where the bulk of the
British Army was in any case located, interspersed
with staff jobs back home. Not much action, but the
right place to build a successful career, and
eventually to play his part in the doctrinal battles
that accompanied the cold war. 
As he was promoted to a succession of increasingly
important posts in Germany - divisional and corps
commander, commander-in-chief of the British Army of
the Rhine, eventually in command of Nato's
multi-national northern Army group - Bagnall grappled
with changing technology, the tactics that flowed from
it, and ultimately the fundamental strategy of
"forward defence". Nato's strategic thinking was
paralysed at that time by the natural instinct of the
Germans to defend every inch of their western
territory. It fell to Bagnall eventually to persuade
them of a fact their predecessors would easily have
understood - that a static defensive line along the
Iron Curtain was not good enough. Some ground would
have to be surrendered if the shock of a massed Soviet
tank assault was to be absorbed and ultimately
Nato's politicians, meanwhile, were putting their
faith in the strategy of nuclear deterrence that was
supposed to underpin western Europe's conventional
defences, not just by means of an intercontinental
stand-off, but right there on the battlefield. Here
again, Bagnall - along with another field marshal,
Lord Carver, whose career followed a similar path -
emerged as the military realist. He had no truck with
the idea that Germany's freedom could somehow be
defended by incinerating its land with the thousands
of so-called tactical nuclear weapons - even including
nuclear howitzers - with which Nato forces were then
equipped. As a soldier, he wanted Britain to spend its
limited defence budget on improving our conventional
weaponry, not playing potentially suicidal games of
nuclear bluff. 
When he returned to Whitehall as chief of the general
staff in 1985, a fierce debate about what role nuclear
weapons should play was still going on, in the wake of
the cruise missile deployments at Greenham Common. And
he also found himself in a quite different kind of
battle, trying to defend the professional interests of
the army amid the centralising administrative reforms
instituted by Mrs Thatcher's defence secretary,
Michael Heseltine. No one could dispute the need to
dispense with outmoded single-service rivalry. But, as
ever, Bagnall saw a need to temper intellectual theory
with military practicalities. 
The fact that he had a sharp intellect of his own
stood him in good stead as a Whitehall warrior. He
fought his way through its corridors with the same
fearless determination he had shown in the Malaysian
jungle. But in a world of committees, his forthright
opinions and sometimes abrasive manner could be
counter-productive, or perhaps just inconvenient. Mrs
Thatcher seems to have found them so. 
In 1988, therefore, Bagnall retired from the army
(though field marshals are never supposed to retire),
to spend his time studying military history, writing
about it, and breeding ducks. 
He is survived by his wife, Anna Caroline, whom he
married in 1959, and by his two daughters.
· Nigel Thomas Bagnall, soldier, born February 10
1927; died April 8 2002 

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