
Agence France-Presse
Saturday April 13, 10:20 PM 
Russian troops leave area between Georgia, 
breakaway Abkhazia

-On Friday Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze said
Russian units had agreed to withdraw by Saturday to
head off a potential showdown.
-The latest tension comes as US troops were expected
in Georgia to help track down al-Qaeda terrorists
allegedly hiding out there.
-The CIS patrol had discovered that "Georgian forces
had set up a mortar battery near the Russian post."
Yevteyev said his men had come under fire. -Yevteyev
said some 120 Georgian troops had surrounded his
patrol but he had ordered his men not to use their
weapons or respond to provocations, Interfax reported.

Russian troops pulled out of disputed territory
between Georgia and its breakaway region of Abkhazia,
defusing what looked like an increasingly tense
situation between Tbilisi and Moscow.
But the commander of a Russian peacekeeper force
warned Saturday that his men would be back.
Georgia reacted sharply after the landing Friday of
eight Russian helicopters and the deployment of dozens
of troops in a village in Abkhazia.
The small territory of Abkhazia on the Black Sea in
northwestern Georgia has claimed de facto
independence, fighting a short but bitter war in the
early 1990s with Russian support.
Georgia has lost all influence in Abkhazia and has
accused Russian forces of helping the separatists.
On Friday Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze said
Russian units had agreed to withdraw by Saturday to
head off a potential showdown.
General Alexander Yevteyev, commanding the Russian
unit, said Saturday that "CIS peacekeeping forces in
Abkhazia returned to their base" after patrols in the
Kodori gorge.
The CIS or Commonwealth of Independent States links 12
of the former constituent Soviet republics including
Russia and the Caucasian republic of Georgia.
But Yevteyev warned that future patrols would continue
"at least once a week" in line with a protocol signed
with Georgia on April 2.
Tbilisi denies the existence of any prior agrement on
such a patrol.
The latest tension comes as US troops were expected in
Georgia to help track down al-Qaeda terrorists
allegedly hiding out there.
Georgian Foreign Minister Irakli Menagarishvili has
charged that the Russian action was aimed at
obstructing US-Georgian cooperation.
Shevardnadze said Friday he had told Yevteyev his
troops must pull out by Saturday morning or the
Russian peacekeeping mission in operation in Abkhazia
since 1994 would be wound up. 
Moscow insists that the Russian deployment was in line
with an agreement between Georgian and Abkhazia signed
April 2, but Tbilisi denies there was any prior accord
on the deployment.
The Kodori region was occupied by Georgian troops
following a flare-up of tension there last October. 
Georgia was meant to withdraw its forces by April 10
under the terms of a UN-brokered deal this month
between Georgian and Abkhaz authorities.
Interfax news agency quoted Yevteyev as saying that on
Friday a CIS peacekeeping unit carried out a patrol in
the lower and upper regions of Kodor gorges."
During the sortie, the patrol had "noted violations of
the protocol, under which Georgian soldiers were no
longer to enter the area after April 10."
The CIS patrol had discovered that "Georgian forces
had set up a mortar battery near the Russian post."
Yevteyev said his men had come under fire. But
Georgian Deputy Defence Minister Miriam Tiknadze
denied this allegation.
Yevteyev said some 120 Georgian troops had surrounded
his patrol but he had ordered his men not to use their
weapons or respond to provocations, Interfax reported.

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