
AFP. 15 April 2002. Chavez ordered armed forces to fire on
demonstrators: US official.

WASHINGTON -- President Hugo Chavez's government ordered armed forces to
fire on anti-Chavez demonstrators last week, a senior state department
official said Monday, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"He says he needs to reflect, and one of the things I think he needs to
reflect on is what drove him, a man who calls himself a man of the
people, what drove him to order his people to be killed by their own
armed forces, such an immoral and illegal order they refused to follow,"
the official charged.

"I think he should also reflect on his relations with his neighbours,
his relations with radical movements around the world, his relations
with failed regimes around the world" such as Cuba, Iran, and Libya.

The comments marked a distinct hardening in tone from Washington, which
neither celebrated Chavez's return nor explicitly rejected the interim
regime that replaced him for just under 48 hours in a failed weekend

The official denied that Washington had maintained contact with coup
plotters, after Newsweek magazine reported that they disclosed their
plan to authorities at the US embassy in Caracas less than two months

[N.B.] He said that members of the opposition, including members of the
military, had indeed met with US officials "to complain and to tell us
about the situation."

"We expressed our concern about antidemocratic characteristics or
aspects of the Chavez administration," while making it clear that "the
Venezuelan people have the right to choose their own leaders."

"We continue to monitor events in Venezuela with great concern," State
Department deputy spokesman Philip Reeker said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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