
Korean Central News Agency


Gift to Kim Jong Il from Communist Party Of India
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was presented with a
gift by H. S. Surjeet, general secretary of the central committee of the
Communist Party of India (Marxist) on the occasion of the 90th birth
anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. THe gift was handed to an official
concerned by Suneet Chopra, member of the c.c., the Communist Party of India
(marxist) who is a delegate of the party on a visit to the DPRK.


Greetings to Lao prime minister
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Premier Hong Song Nam of the DPRK cabinet
sent a message of greetings to his Lao counterpart Boungnang Vorachit.. The
message extended warm congratulations to him upon his reappointment as prime
minister of the government of Laos.
    In the belief that the traditional relations of friendship and
cooperation between the two countries would continue to consolidate and
develop in the future, too, the message sincerely wished him great success
in his responsible work for the modernization and industrialization of the
    DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun also sent a message of greetings to
Somsavath Lengsavath upon his reappointment as deputy prime minister and
foreign minister of Laos.


Reception given by WPK Central Committee
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea gave a reception at the People's Palace of Culture yesterday
in honor of the visiting political party delegations and delegates of
different countries on the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of
President Kim Il Sung. Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the WPK Central
Committee, in a speech said that Kim Il Sung who embarked upon the road of
revolution in his early years founded the immortal Juche idea to clearly
indicate the way of the struggle of the popular masses for independence and
hewed out the era of independence through his great revolutionary practice.
    The WPK will in the future, too, further strengthen friendship and unity
with all the progressive political parties of the world aspiring after
independence and socialism against imperialism and make positive
contributions to the common cause for the building of a new, independent and
just world in the idea of independence, friendship and peace, he added.
    Then, followed speeches of Muhammad Zouher Mashariqa, vice-president of
Syria and member of the national and regional leadership of the Baath Arab
Socialist Party of Syria who is heading the delegation of the Baath Arab
Socialist Party and the National Progressive Front of Syria, in a speech
said that the friendly and cooperative relations between Syria and the DPRK
provided by Hafez Al Assad and Kim Il Sung will further strengthen and
develop by Bashar Al Assad and leader Kim Jong Il.
    Jorgen Petersen, chairman of the Danish Communist Party (M-L) who is
heading a delegation of the party, in a speech said that Kim Il Sung devoted
his all to the accomplishment of the human cause of independence and the
socialist cause till the last moments of his life as a genuine
    A art performance was given at the reception.


Floral basket to Kim Jong Il from Mongolian President
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a floral
basket from Mongolian President Natsagiin Bagabandi on the occasion of the
90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. The basket was handed to an
official concerned by Janchivdorjyn Lombo, Mongolian Ambassador to the DPRK.


Kim Jong Il sends educational aid fund and stipends to children of Koreans
in Japan
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il sent educational aid
fund and stipends worth 262,600,000 yen in the Japanese currency for the
development of the democratic national education of the General Association
of Korean residents in Japan. The educational aid fund and stipends sent by
President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in the 148th installment for the
children of Koreans in Japan totaled 44,866,563,000 yen in the Japanese


Senior DPRK officials meet Russian guests
    Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Premier of the DPRK cabinet Hong Song Nam
met and had a friendly talk with Vladimir Anatoliyevich Yakovlev, mayor of
st. Petersburg of Russia, and his party who paid a courtesy call on him at
the Mansudae Assembly Hall yesterday. Present there were Ri Kwang Gun,
minister of Foreign Trade, Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the Pyongyang City
People's Committee, Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs,
officials concerned and Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Gennadievich
    Meanwhile, Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the
Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, met and had a friendly talk with
Anatoly Rakhayev, vice-minister of Cultural of Russia who is a Russian
government culture delegate to the 20th April Spring Friendship Art Festival
at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on the same day.


Kim Yong Nam meets Iranian delegation
    Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- President Kim Yong Nam of the Presidium of
the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK met and had a friendly talk with a
delegation of the Iran-Korea Friendship Association led by Mohammad
Fruzandeh, chairman of the Association and chairman of the Proletarian and
Islamic Revolutionary Wounded Organization, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall
yesterday. Present there were Ri Won Il, minister of labour who is also
chairman of the Korea-iran Friendship Association, Choe Jong Hwan,
vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign
Countries, and Jalaleddin Namini Mianji, Iranian ambassador to Korea.
    The head of the delegation said that President Kim Il Sung remains alive
in the hearts of humankind. He was deeply moved to see the achievements made
by the Korean people in the drive to defend the sovereignty of the country,
he added. 
    He wished the Korean people greater success in the building of a
powerful nation, guided by Kim Jong Il.


Reception given in honour of Russian guests
    Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- The DPRK government hosted a reception at
the Mansudae Assembly Hall yesterday in honor of the visiting mayor of st.
Petersburg of Russia and his party. Present on invitation were mayor V. A.
Yakovlev and his party and Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei
Gennadievich Karlov and embassy officials.
    Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK cabinet, and officials concerned were
on hand. 
    Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, in a
speech said that the DPRK-Russia relations have entered a stage of the
overall development under the close relations and deep care of the top
leaders of the two countries. The DPRK, attaching importance to the
relations with Russia with a long history and excellent traditions of
cooperation, will in the future make positive efforts to multilaterally
develop in depth the bilateral friendly and cooperative relations, he added.
    He sincerely wished that everything will continue going well in Russia,
a neighboring country of the DPRK, and st. Petersburg will achieve greater
success in its work in particular.
    The mayor, speaking at the reception, said that the meetings of Russian
President Vladimir Putin and chairman of the DPRK National Defence
Commission Kim Jong Il, the top leaders of the two countries, laid a solid
foundation for the strengthening and development of the Russia-DPRK
relations and opened the wide prospect for the mutual visits and contacts of
delegations of various levels.
    Through the current visit we will strive to increase cooperation in all
fields including foreign trade and economy with Korean partners, he said,
warmly congratulating the Korean friends on the Day of the Sun.


Greetings to Lao President
    Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a congratulatory message to
Khamtay Siphandone on April 12 on his election as Lao President at the first
session of the fifth Lao People's National Assembly. Kim, in the message,
expressed belief that the traditional friendly and cooperative ties between
the two countries would continue to strengthen and develop in the common
interests of the two peoples and the socialist cause and sincerely wished
him good health and happiness and greater success in his work for the
prosperity of the country.
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