
Iraqis Ready to Defend Against Any Foreign Aggression: Deputy FM 
Xinhuanet 2002-04-29 16:11:24 
   BAGHDAD, April 29 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraqis support their leadership 
and are ready to defend their leadership and country against any 
foreign aggression and interference in Iraq's domestic affairs, 
Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz said on Monday.

   "George W. Bush is the president of the United States. He can 
make decisions in his own country, but he does not have the right, 
he does not have the capability to change anything outside his 
country, especially in this courageous country," Aziz told 
reporters after laying the foundation of a monument to commemorate 
the Amiriya shelter. 

   The monument, which covers an area of 1,400 square meters, will 
include a light house, a museum, symbolic tombs and a list of names
of all killed in the shelter.

   The Amiriya shelter was hit by U.S. warplanes in the 1991 Gulf 
War and more than 400 civilians inside were killed. The United 
States claimed at that time that the bunker was a military command 

   It seems that the United States wants to resume "aggression" 
against Iraq and commit "another crime like the one they committed 
in 1991 in this shelter," Aziz said, stressing that the Iraqi 
leadership and people are prepared to defend their country and 
their sovereignty.

   President Bush has branded Iraq as part of an "axis of evil" and
said that he wanted to see a change in Iraq. Iraq has since vowed 
to defend itself from any U.S. attacks.  



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