

Du Moyen Orient au Venezuela, le front du pétrole se radicalise
>From Middle East to Venezuela, Oil Front is toughing

The Stock Exchange of New York had been quivering with pleasure, at the news of the 
coup that had toppled president Hugo Chavez: 2 dollars drop on the barrel. Venezuela 
is the main export country of American Continent, and one of the largest foreign 
suppliers of the USA. Moreover, Venezuela of Hugo Chavez has returned to the OPEC, and 
it plays there a very active role on the front of production and prices control policy 
of this organization. So it was without any surprise, that we have been witnessing a 
coup made in USA and quite similar, in all respects, to the 1973 one of Pinochet.

The more or less privileged social sectors whose economic situation closely depends on 
dollars, as Argentina's, have been multiplying unrest rallies for three years. Heads 
of companies have been predominantly showing their hostility towards the political 
power. As for that, they are allied to a confederation of trade-unions that is runed 
by some mafiosos, as it is traditionally the rule, but some rare exceptions, on the 
American continent. Military heads of the sedition went through the School Of 
Americas, recently renamed "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation", 
that trains the Latin-American centurions of the Empire, under US Army's iron rule.

We nevertheless observed some variants. The self-proclaimed tyrant was not a general 
officer, and while the Chilean chairman Salvador Allende had been murdered, Hugo 
Chavez, as for him, has come back safe and sound from his short captivity. Over all, 
the National Assembly, which in Chile had paved the way to the coup, has never failed 
to support Hugo Chavez's policy. Finally, the putschist generals have not been 
followed by the most of the army, while the poorest population (80%) was supporting 

After its triumphant campaigns from the Balkans to Afghanistan, in its Oil War, the 
Empire has just experienced a serious setback in Venezuela, OPEC's heavyweight that is 
determined to support a policy of high oil prices and of independence towards the USA. 
If you add the unexpected turn of events in the Middle East which wrong-foots the 
project of isolating and crushing Iraq, this is the whole of oil front that is 
toughening. A toughening that adds to the collapsing Globalisation which is reflected 
by the grinding financial machine in Argentina, and soon in a good dozen of other 
countries, as well as by the growing trade protectionism that is imposing itself as a 
vital necessity, even within the USA and Europe.



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