Human Rights Watch is the Arm of George Soros and a prppaganda tool of the  CIA. So if they weigh in on the events in Palestine they are doing so for political advantage to the US and client state Israel. :

HRW is wealthy and its tentacles reach out across the globe.  

HRW has opposed the sovereignty of Peoples Republic of China. Roth prosecutes the campaign opposing the right of the Chinese government to rule in Tibet and Xinchiang province. Roth has used the financial resources of Human Rights Watch to develop ongoing media campaigns against the revolution in Colombia. HRW actively opposed the election of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe.  

Human Rights Watch Director Ken Roth is a powerful establishment figure. He helped overthrow the government of Slobodan Milosevic.

In an opinion piece in of the Wall Street Journal (3/22) Roth has suggested a new tack on the U.S. war on Iraq, "Indict Saddam Hussein."

HRW is 100% in support of the ICTY kangaroo court in The Hague. HRW supported the right of NATO and the Security Council to transgress all international law in the creation of such a "tribunal." HRW justified the kidnapping which brought Milosevic to his prison in The Hague last summer.

Swans, an Internet website that posts articles not printed in the popular media recently noted the role of the George Soros' Human Rights watch in verifying US propaganda.  Stephen Gowans on Nov. 12 writes. " Human Rights Watch, presenting itself as an impartial observer, produces lower estimates (of Afghan civilian deaths) than the enemy government does, and thereby underscores Washington's claim that the enemy is exaggerating for propaganda purposes.
HRW is well-funded, and it's well-connected. Its links snake through the foreign policy establishment of the United States, through the State Department, and through the government's propaganda arm, Radio Free Europe."

Heather Cottin
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