
[This goes to some mailing lists and also to the Usenet
newsgroups 'alt.society.revolution', 'alt.politics.socialism.
mao', 'swnet.politik', 'eunet.politics', 'alt.politics.
socialism', 'alt.politics.radical-left', 'alt.activism',
'alt.politics.communism', 'de.soc.politik.misc' and 'alt.

This posting is a discussion reply and also contains an
assessment on my part of the present situation of the
US imperialists, in support of which which I'm citing some
"small" things which have recently taken place on and
concerning some Internet mailing lists.

At 21:56 2002-06-23 -0400, you <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote, to the ANTINATO mailing list:

>In a message dated 6/23/2002 10:10:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
>>precisely the ones who would
>>be the *least* liable to be decieved by the stupid "offi-
>>cial" propaganda concerning these mass murder terror attacks
>>in the USA - among those who are saying "NO conspiracy by
>>the US imperialists"?
>I don't think anyone on this list was deceived by it. It was sent to
>show the lengths that some people will go to discredit others.

Yes, that's quite reasonable, I think, Cynthia. And as you say,
probably nobody on the ANTINATO list *was* deceived by that
article either: "September 11th: Conspiracy-itis", by one Marty
Jezer, clearly a hack writer of the US imperialists'.

Forwarding the thing to ANTINATO, as was done by Miroslav
Antic, was quite OK, in my opinion - having that aim, as you
say, to show the desperation of the US imperialists at this
time. They really do appear to be shitty-scared! Not only are
their leaders obviously infighting like hell, with Bushy him-
self not been able to make up his mind (if any) about when and
how to "speak out" (or "speak up", at least) on the Middle
East and stuff. Some clear shitty-scaredness has appeared also
in the behaviour on the Internet of certain tools and stooges
of theirs.

The point of my posting of course was that interesting fact
that a propagandist of that phony "International" the "RIM"
and of its equally phony "leading party", the "RCP"-USA,
forwarded that ridiculous "No, no, NO Bush conspiracy on
11.09.2001!" thing, uncommented-on and thus in practice
with a recommendation, under those *different* circumstances,
to a lot of other lists.

Those are the people, as I wrote in the quote above, who
one would think were the *least* liable to be fooled on this
by the ("official") US imperialists, since they are "adherents
of the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong" - or so
they *say*.

Pobly (poblachtach dearg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>),
who was the "RIM"/"RCP"-USA propagandist who did that
"puzzling" - in my opinion telltale - forwarding, earlier has
expressed his/her/its (unknown to me whether a male, a
female or perhaps a group) dislike of one article I published
back in 1994, and sent via the Net in early 1996, "Why Does
the RIM Help U.S. Imperialism Encircle the PCP?", and
some other Net stuff by me in the same vein; Pobly at the
same time writing that "they" (unclear who) "well knew" that
I was "not really Rolf but someone else" - a theory so easy
to refute (by lots of people who've known me for decades,
for instance) that I didn't bother to reply more on this point
than just giving my own opinion on it.

The nervousness at present of the US imperialists and some
different tools and stooges of theirs show up too in some
things having to do with Internet mailing lists:

Subscribers to the "Free Palestine" list (above all) have
been hacked most massively, with hundreds of messages
with pro-Zionist content sent by somebody-or-other in their

The pointing out, on my part, of some "funny" things about
the "RIM" and the "RCP"-USA, seems to have been "uncomfy"
to some list managers, just recently.

There's a particular group of lists called "Maoism", "Maoist"
respectively, "MaoZeDong" (sic), apparently managed by
forces close to those entities. Discussions have earlier taken
place above all on one of those, "Maoism". But since some
days back now, postings precisely by me (in contrast to such
by others) I don't get as coming back from that list anymore.
No message has informed me as to perhaps a "reason" for
this. To a newly created list in that same group, one called
"Maoist_Guns", and stating expressly that you must *not*
say on it that "some people are CIA", I've not been allowed
to post at all - this I was actually told.

As rather many know, I'm advocating the political line of
Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong, and have been doing so
publicly via the Net since late 1995, with a posting series
"UNITE! (etc) Infos", among other things.

The utter dislike of such stuff by some people managing
lists with precisely such names as the above, their panic
now in the face of it in fact, is one further small indication,
I think, of this: At present, the US imperialists and their
closest friends really are finding themselves in pretty deep
shit. More and more are people everywhere awakening to
resist them. Not least, the insight about who clearly *were*
behind the infamous 11.09.2001 terror attacks is spreading
fast, to many who did not see this before. The prospects
of the people in all countries are good!

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden


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