
Alright, that's it for me.


.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Barry Stoller

-----Original Message-----
From: Rolf Martens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 4:44 PM
Subject: Nuclear "waste" in the West Bank - should be welcomed!


Nuclear "waste" in the West Bank - should be welcomed!

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Not least in the so-called superstructure, in fields of cul-
ture and education, in quite a lot of important scientific
fields, is there a very sharp class struggle going on in the
world today.

Here's one small example of this, concerning, quite directly,
one rather small (though politically important) area in the
world, indirectly however more or less the whole globe too:

In some newspaper and Internet articles recently, it has been
reported that the racist, wildly aggressive, mass murdering
and totally illegal "state" of "Israel" is planning also to

        "...turn the Palestinian Authority-ruled area of the
        West Bank into a vast dumping-ground for its domestic
        industrial, chemical and nuclear waste, thereby
        creating a potentially catastrophic environmental

As far as actual industrial and chemical wastes are concerned,
this of course must be emphatically protested against and
combated, just must as all other acts of Zionist aggression.
Many kinds of such wastes are quite dangerous to people's

However, if the Zionists would really dump such substances as
are, in precisely all of the multi-moronic mass media of the
all the fanatically Zionism-backing US and other imperialists
in the world precisely always being called, multi-moronically,
nuclear "wastes", then this should really be welcomed and in-
deed applauded, by the Palestinians and by the supporters all
over the world for their just cause of annihilating those mass
murderers and their racist "state" and establishing a democra-
tic state in all of Palestine.

Why is this?

Because of the longtime and still today continued rule of the
imperialists, with their multi-moron media, multi-moron
school "teaching", multi-moron "regulations" on (e.g.) radia-
tion, multi-moron everything that has remotely to do with
culture in its widest sense, this long-since established fact
may not yet be known to all that many outside some circles of
scientists and technicians:

*A little more* ionizing radiation than that which people in
most areas in the world (including e.g. the West Bank) today
are receiving from natural sources - a suitable, not too big,
addition to that amount - actually is *beneficial* for their
health, and by no means detrimental.

What's always being called nuclear "wastes" (*none of* which
of course are *really* wastes, all of which, on the contrary,
of course can be put to quite excellent, peaceful, use, al-
ready with that technology which there is today) by all the
rabidly-reactionary rulers, in all their daily mega-moron poi-
son propaganda, comes basically in two kinds:

"Highly-active", respectively, "low-active" "wastes" - or, to
call them by their proper name, *residual products* or *ma-
terial which has been made more radioactive than normal*,

Now *highly-active* "wastes", that's mainly such stuff as has
been inside a nuclear reactor, and which has therefore or in
some other way gotten to be emitting radiation at high levels,
very intensively. These are dangerous for humans to be close
to, even for some short time, and are therefore, normally at
least, kept tightly enclosed in thick-walled containers. Most
improbable, and silly indeed, would it be, even for the Zio-
nists, just to "dump" *such* stuff in places to where they
might later, "hopefully", send some aggressor troops of
theirs, such as the West Bank.

Only *low-active* "wastes", of which there is always much more
too - since lots of stuff which has just been realtively
close to a nuclear reactor in included in this - could the
Zionists reasonably be expected to plan to "dump" in such an
area as the West Bank.

And these are *not* dangerous for people to approach, and
to stay close to for as long as they might care. Children's
perhaps even putting some of such stuff into their mouths,
that's not dangerous either. In fact, the only thing that
*such* stuff does is to *increase just a little*, in its vi-
cinity, that so-called "background" radiation which there
always is in nature, in all places on earth.

And this, their possibly increasing the level of radiation
in some areas of the West Bank by a small amount, this can
only - if anything - *improve* the health of people living

Perhaps, if the Zionists are "hard pressed" for space in
which to dump all kinds of garbage of theirs, they might
dump such, as to their radiation effects, really very nice
kinds of garbage in some West Bank areas anyway, despite
these health-improving effects then on their enemies.

But if they do, the Palestinans and we others should say
"Thanks a lot!"

The only thing that they, and all we others, "need to fear"
in this connexion, is "fear itself" - to paraphrase that old
catchphrase by a US president in the 1930s so-called "Depres-

And that particular (possible) fear of course is precisely
one of the *propaganda weapons* of the imperialists' today,
one of quite many such which they employ quite importantly,
in their world-wide struggle against the international pro-
letariat and the oppressed peoples and nations:

*Radiophobia*, induced in ordinary people (they hope, at
least) by their mega-moron-media etc and by their mega-mega-
suppression of the most elementary information in this - in
today's world - rather important field.


Why do the imperialists today, why does the entire bourgeoi-
sie in the world today - and since approximately half-a-cen-
tury back - so very much "need" radiophobia?

Before giving a reply to that question, I shall provide the
readers at once with one bottle of good and strong medicine
against that paticular disease, inordinate fear of (all) ra-

(Those readers who don't already have such stuff in their
medicine boxes at home, I mean - and of course we who happen
to have Internet access and a corresponding level of educa-
tion are among the luckier in the world concerning this, or
we could *all* be, if it weren't the case that some of those
who have such education also have gotten their brains so
completly poisoned by some of the [often] accompanying moron-
moron branwashing by the "education" institutes that they
*will not even look at*, let alone swallow the contents of,
such health medicine bottles, even when offered to them for

This addition (if you lacked such a thing before) to your
home medicine box comes in the form of a particularly good
website, based, as it happens, geographically not so far from
the so-called West Bank either:

It's managed by Javad Mortazavi, Ph. D., Iran <mortazav>, and contains articles on the very
beneficial effects, on humans and other living things, of
(suitably) low-dose ionizing radiation also by a number of
other eminent and upstanding scientists, from many other
countries in the world.

I suggest you cross-check its contents, if you can, and (if
finding these good, which you will) then distribute some
spoonfuls of it to others whom you know.

Later here, I shall give you some simpler pills too, with
basically the same stuff in them, to carry with you in your
pocket, so to speak, in case you need them, and also to pass
on, of course.


Here's a little on the "raisons d'ętre" and the origins of
that present-day sickly-green-coloured propaganda poison of
the imperialists, intended to induce *radiohobia* in you:

They "need" this, as one quite important "psy-war club" in
their "ideological" class struggle arsenal, against the wor-
kers and the oppressed peoples, above all, firstly, because of
that discovery of nuclear fission and fusion as (peaceful)
energy source which was made on this planet, some 60 years
ago, something whose enormous consequences for mankind we have
so far only seen a very small beginning of and something
which, more and more today, fills the exploiting class with
sheer horror.

It was as far back as in 1856 that Karl Marx said:

        "Steam, electricity, and the self acting mule were
        revolutionists of a rather more dangerous character
        than even citizens Barbes, Raspail and Blanqui."
        (Speech in London, 14.04.1856.)

"Steam, electricity - BOOH!" Even back then, some bourgeois,
and feudal, people started feeling a horror at "what the
world was coming to", what forces that "sorcerer's appren-
tice", the bourgeoisie, had "inadvertently" helped let loose,
in its constant hunt for more and more profits.

This even at that time, when the steam engine was only in the
begining of its revolutionizing of the world, and long before
it was succeded/complemented by the even more revolutionizing
combustion engines etc too. This even at the time when that
other giant "spirit in the bottle", electricity, as used by
man, had hardly even raised its head to say "Hello; what can
I, perhaps, do for you?".

And nuclear energy, that's (potentially - only when some for-
ces in the world which need to be beaten to a pulp *have*
been beaten to a pulp, by the peoples, will this begin to be
realized to that extent which it already since long has been
technically possible to do) something else again than those
things which had started being available back in 1856.

A century later than that, one well-known scientist, for in-
stance, pointed out - quite correctly, as far as *technical*
progress was concerned:

        "The foregoing calculation illustrates the great sig-
        nificance of the fissionable elements as a source of
        radioactive material. Their significance as a source
        of energy has also been pointed out, by the statement
        that 1 pound of uranium or thorium is equivalent to
        2.5 million pounds of coal.

        When we remember that uranium and thorium are not rare
        elements, but are among the more common elements - the
        amount of uranium and thorium in the earth's crust
        being about the same as that of the common element
        lead  - we begin to understand the promise of nuclear
        energy for the future, and the possibilities of its
        contribution to human welfare.

        The discovery of the controlled fission of atomic nuc-
        lei and controlled release of atomic energy is the
        greatest discovery that has been made since the con-
        trolled use of fire was discovered by primitive man."

        (Linus Pauling: "General Chemistry", USA 1954 - the
        end lines of that book.)

Nuclear power plants - even those of today - *that's* where
you have some amounts, which those already horrified poor re-
actionaries of 1856 (who despite this "had to" move forward)
could hardly have dreamt of, of those "dangerous revolutio-
nists" steam and electricity.

And the even much bigger horror, by the bourgeoisie today
(which they're *trying*, as best they can, but ridiculously,
to "repaint" as a "fear by the *people*), of (peaceful) nuc-
lear energy, which they in some recent decades, poor bastards,
"had to" move forward with, a little bit anyway, that mega-
horror is very apparent today. Already, in many of the so-
called "more advanced" countries, precisely *this* energy
source has been slammed with *total bans* for all future (or,
as long as the present rulers of these countries *are* rulers
of them, at least).

That bourgeois/imperialist horror, bigger and bigger in the
latest half-century, of peaceful nuclear energy, is the main
reason for those people's trying to make everybody scared of
all extra doses, however small, of ionizing radiation too,
a natural phenomenon of course connected with that energy

And one other reason which contributes to the really big-time
imperialists' massive interest in scaring people, inordinate-
ly, of such radiation is their interest in portraying those
(of course in themselves quite dangerous) nuclear weapons
which they have as "all-powerful" things, threatened by which
the peoples, in particular those in the internationally-op-
pressed and -exploited countries (in the Middle East not
least, for instance) would just "have to" cringe and kowtow
and say "pretty please" to the Sharons, the Bushies etc.

The basic medicine against that specific scare and threat by
the imperialists, their nuclear-weapons one, of course has
long ago already been provided by the Marxists such as Mao
Zedong, who showed how international proletarian revolution
will win out anyway in that world in which there is also the
A-bomb, in the long run actually a paper tiger too.



The below simple facts you can get confirmed by looking up
the abovementioned (Iran-based) website, plus by some cross-
checking if needed:

1. Concerning radiation, everything of course depends on
the dose (per time unit). As Paracelsus said 400 years ago:
"Everything is a poison, in a sufficiently large dose." One
should not listen to the moron-media when they say that some-
thing is "radioactive" (period). Everything is radioactive;
including, for instance, human bodies. The question is: How
much? Or as one Internet science writer has (John McCarthy)
ended all his postings: "He who refuses to do arithmetic is
doomed to talk nonsense".

2. The dose of radiation which can make you sick, if it's re-
ceived all at once, is some 1,000 mSv (millisievert), or lar-
ger. 3,000-5,000 mSv all at once risks killing you. And you
won't survive an immediate dose 15,000 mSv, even with the
best medical treatment. But only an A-bomb at rather close
range, or something similar, will give you such amounts.        

3. The amounts of radiation which people normally and quite
naturally are getting, is are as follows:

Location                        Natural radiation, mSv/year

The globe, average today                   2.4

The globe, when life arose              10-20

(We're adapted to much higher
levels than those common today!
West Bank nuclear "waste" dum-
ping, unfortunately, cannot
give people there as much as
those extra 10 mSv or so which
would really be best. But a
small "thanks" it would merit.)

Sweden (some good stuff in houses)         5

Nile delta (more stuff in ground)                      3.5

Aircraft pilots (more from space)       6-8

South America (more stuff in gound)     10

Kerala province, India                    4-13

Kerala beach towns                           23

Guaripari beach, Brazil                    250
(City called "Health City"; people

since long bury themselves in ra-
dioactive sand to improve health)

Ramsar, Iran (some houses)                 700

Annual level permitted for people
in nuclear work, 1930s                     700
("roof" absolutely not too high)

Annual level permitted for people
in nuclear work, from 1959 on           50(!)
("Cannot" take a few weeks' va-
cation in Guaripari or Rasar!)

[A QUOTE, from radiation expert T.D. Luckey, USA, 1996;
for practical purposes, you can say 1 mG/y = 1 mSv/y:]

        "Overcoming Radiation Deficiency

        Increased exposure to low-dose irradiation contri-
        butes to health and increased lifespan.

        The evidence shows that workers exposed to about 5
        mGy/y (a total of about 7 mGy/y) have longer average
        lifespans and decreased cancer mortality rates than
        the general population or unexposed workers in the
        same plants. More information comes from combining
        human and animal data.

        Our present knowledge suggests that a safe, conserva-
        tive allowance would be 2 to 3 times greater than
        that which we have at present. A minimum of 5 to 10
        mGy/y will produce increased health for adult popula-

        As shown in Table 1 [not shown here, but see above],
        generations have lived in different parts of the
        world with several times this exposure, and effects
        in many generations of humans and animals indicate
        that this is a reasonable guide for whole popula-

        However, more research is needed before adequate data
        are available to support a recommended allowance of
        more than 10 mGy/y.

        Conservatively, we can say that the health of people
        and the wealth of nations would improve by increasing
        environmental exposures to ionizing radiation from
        their present levels of 1 to 3 mGy per year, to 5 to
        10 mGy per year."


So, of there were really to be some dumping, in the West
Bank, of *such* particular "wastes" as would increase back-
ground radiation a few mSv (and no bigger increase would be
possible), then the people there, as to *radiation*, would
be to be envied somewhat, by most of those who live else-

All readers of this are now - potentially, at least! - pro-
vided with such protection as they need against *this* par-
ticular propaganda poison warfare, in the class struggle
and the anti-imperialist struggle, as might otherwise induce
*radiophobia* in them, and can with confidence (or with a
little more confidence, hopefully, if the above *was* new to
you) concentrate on the combating, repulsing and overcoming
of other dangers and enemies.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden 



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