
[The national traitors passing as the current *Greek*
government,  who time after time oppose the will of
over 90% of the Greek people - and of the Greek
parliament -  in supporting NATO subversion and
aggression in Southeast Europe would, if they were
truly concerned about 'terrorism,' be more worried
about the self-proclaimed National Liberattion Army of
Chameria - whose purpose is to 'liberate' Northwestern
Greece - of Mr. Ali Ahmeti, so-called Kosovo
Liberation Army commander, Macedonian UCK president,
and current darling of the Western press and political
establishment. (See yesterday's glowing Christian
Science Monitor profile on this charming CIA thug.)
But either one is 'with us or the terrorists'  in the
speech-written verbiage of the latest Planitarchis,
and so all NATO toadies have to toe the line. But
don't touch the real terrorists...Washington will
frown on that.]

November 17 terror suspect confesses to involvement
with group 
By Derek Gatopoulos, Associated Press, 7/22/2002 12:34
ATHENS, Greece (AP) The latest suspect arrested in a
crackdown against the elusive November 17 terror group
has confessed to stealing rockets and bazookas for the
organization and participating in a bombing, police
said Monday. 
Thomas Serifis, a German-born Greek bus driver, was
arraigned a day after he was captured Sunday in
northern Greece, the 10th person to be arrested in the
sweep against the organization that bombed,
assassinated and robbed with impunity for 27 years. 
Serifis, 36, admitted to helping steal dozens of
anti-tank rockets from an army base in central Greece
in 1989 and bazookas from Athens' War Museum the
following year. 
He also confessed to participating in the 1989 bombing
of an abandoned house, which caused no injuries, and a
1990 bank robbery that netted more than $137,000. At
the time, November 17 said it carried out the bombing
to protest the lack of affordable housing in Athens. 
Under heavy security, Serifis appeared before a
prosecutor and was charged with felony counts of
forming a criminal organization, the supply and
possession of explosives, aggravated theft and causing
an explosion, and with a misdemeanor count of weapons
possession. If convicted on all counts, he faces a
minimum prison sentence of 20 years. 
Another eight suspected November 17 members including
alleged leader Alexanders Giotopoulos, 58 already have
been charged with crimes ranging from murder to armed
robbery and planting explosives. Four have confessed
to participating in assassinations, while Giotopoulos
has denied any involvement in the group. 
Police still have not accounted for nine of the
group's 23 killings, and are still scouring the
country for more suspects, including 44-year-old
beekeeper Dimitris Koufodinas, believed to be a
crucial link between Giotopoulos and the other men
arrested so far. Authorities also are looking for at
least one woman suspected of participating in at least
one assassination. 
Authorities scored their first success against the
group when they captured a suspect following a botched
June 29 bomb attack. The capture triggered a series of
arrests and raids on two November 17 weapons caches. 
That man 40-year-old Savas Xiros remains hospitalized
under heavy guard and has not been officially arrested
or charged, although he is believed to be a leading
member of the group's hit men. Two of his brothers are
in custody and have confessed to a series of murders,
bomb attacks and robberies. 
November 17 first appeared with the 1975 assassination
of CIA station chief Richard Welch and its victims
include four American officials, two Turkish diplomats
and leading Greek businessmen and politicians. Their
last victim was British military attache Brig. Stephen
Saunders, shot dead in Athens two years ago. 
But Premier Costas Simitis whose government came under
increasing pressure to crack down on domestic
terrorism as Athens geared up to host the 2004 Olympic
Games repeated that it will take time before
authorities are able to completely eradicate terrorism
in Greece. 
''I want to emphasize that the eradication of
terrorism still has work and it requires time,''
Simitis said. The crackdown ''isn't a thriller played
out on a Saturday night for the pleasure of the
viewers. It is an effort that ... requires much
evidence and that's why accountability and patience
are needed.'' 
One of November 17's victims was the uncle of chief
Olympics organizer Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, who
on Monday praised authorities' progress in breaking up
the terror group. 
''Our country takes very seriously this issue of
eradicating terrorism, which is related with our
country's preparations for the 2004 games,'' said
Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, whose uncle was killed in
''There is not doubt that our country is living
through moving moments and of course it sees some very
important steps that have to do with terrorism.'' 
The Eleftherotypia newspaper reported Sunday that the
arrests foiled a plot by November 17 to attack NATO
peacekeepers based in Kosovo as they traveled through
The newspaper said evidence had been found at November
17 hide-outs suggesting the urban guerrillas were
gathering information on NATO convoys leaving the
northern Greek port of Thessaloniki. 
The youngest suspect detained so far, 26-year-old
Dionissis Georgiadis, had served in the army's special
forces. But military authorities refused to comment on
newspaper reports that he had served with NATO
peacekeepers in the Balkans. 
Greece and the United States both have offered rewards
totaling $9 million for information leading to the
arrest of November 17 members, believed to number a
few dozen. Authorities have not said whether any
reward money has been given out. 

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