
Forward from mart.

"Solidarity With Cuba" - Statement from the Communist
Party of Canada

To:     "Recipient List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:        Re: Solidarity with Cuba
Date:   Mon, 22 Jul 2002 15:18:15 -0400

July 22, 2002

Re: Cuba Solidarity
Dear Comrades, 
As you are well aware, the U.S. government has
recently stepped up economic, political, and
ideological pressures on socialist Cuba. While U.S.
imperialism’s hostility to the “free territory of the
Americas” dates back more than 40 years, the recent
slate of anti-Cuban pronouncements by President George
W. Bush and his administration are unprecedented and
deeply troubling.  
Within a span of four weeks, Bush has made four
outrageous speeches outlining greater hostility,
virtually threatening military intervention. He has
added Cuba to his by now infamous "axis of evil" list
of countries. He has made the incredible and totally
fabricated insinuation that Cuba is a bio-terrorist
state. And in a most crude interference in the
internal affairs of a sovereign country, the U.S.
President has called for a change in the political,
economic and social system in Cuba.
Cuba, in short, is now most clearly one of the prime
targets in the cross-hairs of the Bush
Administration’s “war on terrorism.” Nothing reveals
the hypocrisy of this contrived campaign more than the
plight of the “Miami 5” – the five Cuban nationals who
are currently incarcerated (on life sentences) in U.S.
prisons for the ‘crime’ of attempting to foil
terrorist acts against Cuba by reactionary and fascist
anti-Cuban groups based in Florida.
The statements by Bush, together with those of
Vice-President Richard Cheney, Under Secretary of
State for Latin America Otto Reich and others, not
only constitute a sharp escalation in Washington’s
anti-Cuban rhetoric; they may well portend more direct
acts of adventurism – even military aggression –
against socialist Cuba.
The Cuban people and their socialist government have
calmly but resolutely rebuffing Washington’s lies and
slanders, and are multiplying efforts to defend their
national sovereignty and the social and political
gains of the Revolution. That heroic resistance,
combined with the full mobilization of world public
opinion, can frustrate imperialist designs against
Cuba and stave off the danger of aggression and war in
our hemisphere.
As part of its anti-Cuban campaign, Washington is
intensifying pressure on Canada’s traditional policy
of “engagement” towards Cuba. In the current
prevailing conditions, when the Chrétien government
increasingly defers to such pressures, and allows
Canadian foreign and defense policy to be dictated by
the White House, there is a real danger that Canada’s
historic relations with socialist Cuba will be
irrevocably altered for the worse.
Given these circumstances, it is absolutely incumbent
on labour, the broad peace movement, and on all
progressive, anti-imperialist and pro-peace forces
across Canada to intensify our solidarity efforts with
Cuba, and to oppose the bellicose, reactionary forces
bent on undermining Canada-Cuba relations. 
Today, anti-imperialist solidarity with socialist
Cuba, and the struggle to defend Canadian sovereignty,
is more closely bound together than ever before.
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
In consideration of the above, the Central Executive
Committee calls upon all Party Clubs and Committees to
step up solidarity action with socialist Cuba. We
would like to bring two initiatives in particular to
your attention.
First of all, at the end of July, an important
“Solidarity Conference with Cuban Workers” will be
held in Windsor, Ontario. The three-day conference,
co-sponsored by “Worker-to-Worker”, and the US/Cuba  
Labor Exchange, will bring together trade union
representatives and activists from both the U.S. and
Canada. Pedro Ross Leal, the President of the
Confederation of Cuban Workers (CTC) and other Cuban
labour officials, will be featured guests t the

The conference has been endorsed by such important
national affiliates as CUPE, NUPGE, UFCW, and CUPW,
among others. Newly-elected CLC Vice-President Barb
Byers will also be a featured speaker.
While organization of the conference is now in its
final stages, we would urge that party activists,
especially those in the trade union movement, give
every possible support to this conference, and help to
implement the proposals and initiatives which arise
from it.
Details about the conference are attached below.
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
We would also like to alert all Party Clubs and
Members to the convening of the first “Canadian Cuban
Solidarity Coordination Meeting,” to be held in Ottawa
from August 31 - September 2, 2002. 
The conference, which will bring together friendship
and solidarity organizations from across
English-speaking Canada (Quebec-based solidarity
groups will hold a similar conference on the following
weekend in Montreal), along with trade unions, NGOs
and other interested pro-Cuba forces, will mark a
historic advance in Cuba solidarity work in Canada. 
The conference is being convened with the express
purpose of founding an ongoing “Canada-Cuba Solidarity
Alliance” which will facilitate and coordinate
friendship and solidarity campaigns across the
country. The absence of such an “alliance” has
impaired Cuba solidarity work in Canada for many
Details of this crucial meeting are attached. More
info is available on the Ottawa-Cuba Connections
website - 
The CEC strongly urges all Party Clubs and Members in
English-speaking Canada to do everything possible to
ensure maximum participation at this Ottawa
Conference. The PCQ is also asked to mobilize full
participation for the ensuring conference in Quebec.
This should include efforts to involve all
locally-based friendship and solidarity groups in this
These two initiatives will be decisive in
strengthening solidarity activity with Cuba and
blunting U.S. imperialism’s escalating campaign
against the Cuban Revolution. Let us do all we can to
ensure their success.
Comradely yours,
Central Executive Committee,
Communist Party of Canada
Communist Party of Canada
290A Danforth Ave.,
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M4K 1N6
tel: 416-469-2446
fax: 416-469-4063

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