
Agence France-Presse
Monday September 23, 9:49 PM 
Rabat uses "minor incident" to scuttle talks: Madrid

[US and French military client state Morocco, invader
and occupier of Western Sahara (thanks currently to
James Baker and Kofi Annan) and linchpin of NATO's
Mediterranean Dialogue - which, moreover, recently
saved NATO and the civilized world from al-Qeda -
seems, quite in keeping with the times, to have
territorial claims on NATO junior flunky Spain.
Perhaps the Spanish people, NATOized through no choice
and no fault of their own, are expected to draw some
minor solace from the fact that German President Rau
laid a wreath at the collective gravesite of Nazi
Wehrmacht troops - and an estimated 1,500 Franco
Falangist *volunteers* - outside of
St.Petersburg/Leningrad, where the largest civilian
toll  of any siege in human history was exacted at the
hands of those so honored.]    

Spain accused Morocco of using a "minor incident" to
scuttle talks aimed at rebuilding trust after a bitter
territorial dispute that capped a year of
deteriorating relations.
Defense Minister Federico Trillo said in the central
city of Leon that a Spanish helicopter had merely
overflown a disputed islet on Sunday, denying a charge
that the aircraft had landed there.
He said a "minor incident (was) provoked by the
Moroccans as a pretext to suspend the visit to Madrid"
by Moroccan Foreign Minister Mohamed Benaissa for the
scheduled talks with his Spanish counterpart Ana
The Moroccan government had not reacted by 2:30 pm
(1230 GMT) to repeated Spanish denials on Monday.
The dispute over the islet off the Moroccan coast,
known as Perejil in Spain and Leila in Morocco, was
ostensibly settled by a July 22 accord.
The row exacerbated relations already strained over
fishing, oil exploration off the Canary Islands, drug
and people trafficking and Western Sahara, a former
Spanish colony annexed by Morocco in 1975.
Trillo told a press conference that Rabat had had a
"disproportionate" reaction on Sunday when it called
the alleged landing "an unacceptable act by which
Spain has once again violated Moroccan national air
space and territory".
The defense minister said: "The helicopter conducted a
flight at low altitude over the islet, without landing
on the ground, without performing any maneuver that
could be considered unfriendly or even out of the
ordinary," he said.
A statement issued by the Spanish government earlier
Monday, also denying the alleged helicopter landing,
pledged to continue honoring the July accord.
It said Madrid was "surprised by the interpretation"
by Rabat of the Spanish helicopter movement.
Spanish Foreign Minister Ana Palacio had earlier
issued a similar denial on Spanish television.
The Moroccan foreign ministry had said Sunday: "This
very regrettable incident breaks the spirit and the
letter of the (July) accord in the most blatant
The statement questioned the "real motives" of the
alleged action, "which took place precisely on the eve
of the meeting scheduled for Monday in Madrid between
the foreign ministers of both countries". 
Trillo said the Spanish army had detected the presence
of a Moroccan patrol boat about a mile from the islet
and saw a dinghy being readied, with its destination
unknown, and the helicopter was deployed to
The Perejil/Leila dispute erupted in July when Spanish
forces expelled a handful of Moroccan troops sent by
Rabat to establish an "observation post" on the islet.
The two countries are also at odds over the continued
flow of migrants -- most crossing the 12-kilometre
(eight-mile) Strait of Gibraltar and landing on
southern Spain's Andalusian coast.
Dozens of people drown among the thousands of migrants
who attempt to cross illegally from north Africa to
Spain every year, with many also falling victim to
overcrowding and harsh conditions.

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