
AP. 27 September 2002. Hundreds Arrested in D.C. Protests.

WASHINGTON --Demonstrators chained themselves together, bicycled through
downtown streets and rallied at downtown parks Friday as finance
ministers began a weekend of meetings. 

About 500 protesters were arrested and one was slightly injured.

Although the protesters had pledged to shut down the nation's capital,
there were only minimal disruptions to the morning rush as the
demonstrators made their way through downtown Washington protesting
against the Bush administration's environmental policies, the World Bank
and "corporate greed." Others protested a war against Iraq.

Most of those taken into custody were charged with blocking sidewalks or
entrances and parading without a permit. 

About 65 people were charged with rioting after they clashed with
police, broke some windows at a Citibank office and tossed smoke bombs
in Washington's business district. 

Elsewhere, about 200 demonstrators arrested inside the White House's
security zone were charged with refusing to obey a police order,
according to Chief Charles Ramsey.

The financial meetings that inspired the protests began without
interruption -- surrounded by fences, closed streets and lines of police.

At one downtown intersection, protesters chained themselves together.
Elsewhere, demonstrators danced through the street with mud and leaves
smeared on their hair and clothes. Fire trucks were called to put out a
few tires set ablaze on the outskirts of town.

"This is not a police state, we have a right to demonstrate," chanted a
group of mostly young people, some wearing bandanas over their faces.
After police led dozens away, the sidewalk was littered with their
personal items -- jackets, gas masks, helmets, goggles, a journal.

In a grassy area a few blocks from the White House, officers on
motorcycles, horseback and foot arrested about 200 protesters who banged
on drums and plastic buckets.

Among those arrested: a nude woman chanting slogans against the World
Bank and International Monetary Fund. Police officers threw a sheet
around her before she was taken into custody.

Dan Ueda, 25, said he was nervous as he awaited the signal to lock arms
with fellow protesters for a "snake march" through the city.

"We're hoping not to get arrested in the first five minutes," said Ueda
of Cliffside Park, N.J.

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with photo(s)


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