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Daily Fact & Act #08
Friday, 27 September 2002
Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace

Well, it's here. WWWIII. 

Headlines in the past 48 hours:

Israel confirmed... an Israeli airstrike... wounded 35 bystanders, 
including 15 children
U.S. Says Jets Hit Iraq Targets South of Baghdad
U.S. Hits Iraqi Radar, Ukraine Denies Radar Sale
Iraq Condemns Strike on Airport
U.S., Britain Lobby for Iraq Resolution
Hamas Chief Hurt, Two Dead in Israel Missile Hit
French Troops Reach Battle-Torn Ivory Coast City
Troops Storm Indian Temple, Backlash Feared
India Troops Seek to Prevent Riot
Gunmen Kill 7 in Pakistan
Israel Unmoved by U.S. Plea to End Arafat Siege
U.N. Security Council Calls for End to Siege of Arafat
Israel Destroys 3 Palestinian Homes
US Adding Patriots to Defend Kuwait Bases
Russia, Germany Unmoved as U.S. Makes Case on Iraq
World Hawks and Doves Face Showdown over Iraq

Bush, Democrats at Odds on Iraq
Daschle Denounces Bush Remarks on Iraq as Partisan
Daschle Condemns Bush on Iraq Debate
Bush Condemns Senate Homeland Plan
Daschle Defends Democrats' Stand on Security
Daschle Demands Apology for Bush Comments
Ex-WorldCom Executive Pleads Guilty
500 Protesters Arrested in Capital

Dow Down 121 in Midday Trading
Blue Chips Set for 5th Straight Down Week
IMF Reveals Precarious Global Economic Prospects
Stocks Slump, Dow at 4-Year Low 
Number of People Living in Poverty Increases in U.S.
Recession Cut Incomes and Swelled Poverty Rolls, U.S. Says

The stock market is in a free-fall (now at 7600-8000 down from 12000 in

2001 1.5 years ago, a 38% loss in 18 months. That's not a bubble 
bursting, that's the loss of liquidity as money gets sucked up by a
small sector: Defense, Oil, Prisons. Money is fast drying up in all
other sectors including research and development (the stuff that
brought you the internet).

The markets do not want this war.
Markets Continue Slide Under Threat of War,3604,798558,00.html

The international community does not want this war.
Where the world stands on Iraq

The 22 nation member Arab League does not want this war.
Arab League seeks Iraq solution

The American and British people do not want this war:
Calls are coming into Reps offices sometimes as high as 100 to 1 
against the war on Iraq.
Democracy Now! Radio/TV 25 Sept 02

Guardian (London) News poll shows 86% Against the war, 12% for, 1% 

100-300,000 protestors expected in streets of London tomorrow, Sat, 27 
Sep. Tony Blair is isolated in Britain on this issue.

Stop world-wide escalating violence 5 ways:

1). CALL. Call your Congressional Representatives now. Let them know 
you have reservations about the sudden rush to war and would like 
Congress to debate the issue more thoroughly. 

If you are so inclined, tell your REPRESENTATIVE you are vehemently 
against this unsupported and uniltateral attack by the US on a
soveriegn state, prohibited by International Law. 

If the US breaks international law, there is no international law.

2). VISIT. When you've made your calls consider meeting at at least one

of your Congressional Rep's local or DC offices whether they support 
the war or not. Take your lunch and show up even for a moment. Your
being at a Rep's office counts more than email, more than a letter,
more than a call. Some offices count a physical body as reflecting the
will of 100 of their constituents. 

Our anti-war numbers are very important as the Congress may vote soon. 
We need to find out who is voting with their constituents and who is 
not. November elections will reflect.

There is an Emergency Lobbying Day Against the War on Monday, 30 
September. But any day you can visit will count. Please go.

Addresses of local offices:

3). EMAIL. Email through a web-based form mail at your representative's

personal site is the fastest way to get your email counted. LMNOP's 
Fact & Act strongly suggests you declare your position in the TITLE of
the form mail if available; for example, NO TO WAR WITH IRAQ, or IRAQ
Enter your zip code. 
Click "Info" under Rep's photo. 
Look for "Web site." 
At their site look for "Contact Us," or similar.


Iraq Peace Pledge

National Iranian-American Council Oppose US attack

Friends Committee on National Legislation Action Alert Oppose Expanded 
War with Iraq

Common Cause" Petition Calling for Congressional Debate on the Use of 
Force in Iraq.

Vote No on Congressional War Blank Check

No War on Iraq!

Stop The Rush To War

The "Dossier"

If these pages of trickery are based on "probably" and "if", we have no

business going to war. If they are all true, we murdered half a million

Iraqi children. How's that for a war crime?

Robert Fisk: The dishonesty of this so-called dossier

"The document is a damp squib. It really consists of a reworking of 
information that was already public. It seems more like a PR stunt than
a serious attempt to bring new information forward. Tony Blair will
have to do better than this if he wants to convince the British public
to go to war." 

Diane Abbott, the Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington

"It does not produce any convincing evidence, or any 'killer fact', 
that says that Saddam Hussein has to be taken out straight away. What
it does do is produce very convincing evidence that the weapons
inspectors have to be pushed back into Iraq very quickly ... It is a
very clever document. Everybody expected it to outline the case for war
on Iraq, but it doesn't even attempt to do that. I think it is designed
to be the start of a rolling campaign which will involve trying to get
the weapons inspectors back in. Then, if Saddam doesn't allow them in,
George Bush and Tony Blair will have the ammunition to do what they
consider necessary to disarm Iraq." 

Major Charles Heyman, editor of Jane's World Armies

"This dossier will require close scrutiny. At first glance, this
does not appear to show clear evidence of an immediate and imminent 
threat from Iraq. Nothing in this document should divert us from
dealing with these matters through the United Nations." 

Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Menzies Campbell

"Nothing staggering, is it? It firms up a lot of what is already known.

A lot of this ground was covered in the report by the International 
Institute of Strategic Studies ... It shows Saddam has the means to 
threaten his neighbours, and this is probably Blair's best shot at
selling his plans to the country. I don't think he will get a better
chance than this." 

Thomas Withington, an analyst with King's College, London
Political Reaction to Iraq Dossier,2763,798046,00.html


"Tony Blair was warned yesterday the 53 Labour MPs who rebelled over 
Iraq on Tuesday were only "the tip of the iceberg" and he faces a much 
bigger revolt when the Commons debates the issue again.

As the Government dismissed this week's protest vote as "pointless 
posturing", it emerged Mr Blair narrowly avoided a much more damaging 
rebellion. It is believed that another 80 Labour MPs were ready to
abstain if the Government had mobilised its "payroll vote" in Tuesday's
division to crush the anti-war rebels."

Eighty more Labour MPs ready to rebel, Blair is warned

British dossier is scorned as 'propaganda'

Democracy Now! Radio/TV 25 Sept 02,9749,798859,00.html

Leaders Yet to be Convinced by Dossier,3605,798388,00.html

Fed Holds Firm on Rates. Markets Continue Slide Under Threat of War,3604,798558,00.html

Calling the Shots: How Washington Dominates Today's UN
Phyllis Bennis, Erskine Childers, 4/2000

Noam Chomsky, 11/2001

Preventing Violence (Prospects for Tomorrow)
James Gilligan, 7/2001

Is anyone in the US aware of the abandoned Italian oil tanker that has 
run aground and is cracked on both sides and leaking oil onto some of 
the most beautiful beaches in the world in South Africa near the 
UNESCO-recognized St. Lucia Wetlands Park sanctuary?

"Oil continues to wash up on the beaches from the stricken cargo ship 
MV Jolly Rubino, upper right, lying off St Lucia, 150 miles north-east 
of Durban, South Africa, Thursday, Sept. 19, 2002. All hope has been 
abandoned of pulling the ship off the rocks after it ran aground Sept.
12 on reefs off the UNESCO World Heritage Site of St. Lucia on South 
Africa's east coast. Instead, workers will focus on pumping oil off the
ship in an effort to protect an ecologically sensitive estuary nearby
before the ship breaks up."

Photo 1:
Photo 2:
Photo 3:
Photo 4:

SMIT Salvage, which earlier abandoned efforts to refloat the Jolly 
Rubino, said it would try again Thursday to pump fuel from the 
Italian-flagged vessel. 

The ship is beached some five miles south of the entrance to the UNESCO

-recognized St. Lucia Wetlands Park, cracked on both sides and leaking 

The vast coastal area of lagoon, swamp, dune and beach is home to an 
array of rare plants, animals and birds and is a magnet to ecologists, 
divers and tourists. 

Conservationists say the park's fragile ecosystem would be ruined if 
oil found its way into the wetlands. 

But the salvage company said water levels in the stricken ship had 
risen, pushing oil up into the cargo holds, fueling the fire. 

"The fuel is burning off, so the threat to the environment is greatly 
reduced," SMIT spokeswoman Clare Gomes told Reuters. 

She said it was hard to tell how much fuel remained on board the 
container vessel, which has been on fire for eight days. 

Salvage workers had attempted to reach the ship's engine room Wednesday

to gain access to the systems that would allow them to pump out the 
some 800 tons of fuel then estimated to be on board. 

But thick smoke and high temperatures made this "extremely unsafe," 
Gomes said, adding: "We will reassess Thursday." 

Officials said a five-mile long slick had formed in the sea near the 
vessel, but wind and tide were carrying it south, and not threatening
the estuary leading to the park. 

Some oil had washed up on other beaches near the ship. 

S.Africa Salvage Team Evacuated from Burning Ship

More in the Resources section at LMNOP

Wm Leslie Howard
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