>   As in the way American soldiers were "dealt with" by their military
> tribunals for crimes against civilians in Vietnam?
For shame David, you neglected to mention:
  • The way American war criminals were dealt with for their war crimes in Cambodia;
  • The way the American court system (or the military justice system) dealt with the free-wheeling cowboys who snipped the cable car cable and KILLED more than 20 innocent civilians while on 'military exercises' in Italy;
  • The way the US justice system (or, the international justice system, for that matter) dealt with the obvious war crimes and violations of the Geneva Convention perpetrted by HATO and the US in the gang rape of Yugoslavia'
etc., ad nauseam.
We, Americans, reserve to ourselves (and our chosen lapdogs; HATO members, Sharon and IDF) the right to accuse, persecute and convict those WE determine are war criminals while exempting ourselves (and the aforementioned lapdogs) from any real consequences of their very real crimes and atrocities.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 19:16
Subject: RE: ("Pass me the sickbag, Alice.") BBC: EU gives US troops immunity [WWW.STOPNA

> ---------------------------
> <<<<Then the Europeans want a guarantee that Americans accused of war
> crimes and crimes against humanity will be dealt with by American
> courts. >>>
>   As in the way American soldiers were "dealt with" by their military
> tribunals for crimes against civilians in Vietnam?
> S. Conroy wrote:
> >
> >
> > EU gives US troops immunity
> >
> >
> > The European Union has allowed member states to reach bilateral
> > agreements with the United States, giving American troops limited
> > immunity from prosecution by the International Criminal Court (ICC).
> > Such deals will be permitted provided certain conditions are met such as
> > granting immunity to diplomats and soldiers only.
> >
> > The decision was announced after a meeting of EU foreign minister in
> > Brussels on Monday. 
> >
> > The Bush administration has argued that US citizens must be protected
> > from hostile governments prosecuting them for political reasons, and has
> > approached EU and other states to secure immunity agreements for
> > American troops.
> >
> > Twelve countries - mostly small or poor - have signed such deals so far,
> > promising not to hand over US citizens on their territory to the ICC.
> >
> > 'Red lines'
> >
> > Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller said immunity agreements will
> > be allowed if a number of "red lines" are respected.
> >
> > First, they should apply only to soldiers or officials sent abroad.
> >
> >        
> >
> > Then the Europeans want a guarantee that Americans accused of war crimes
> > and crimes against humanity will be dealt with by American courts.
> >
> > Finally, agreements should not be reciprocal: citizens of the European
> > state involved would not be similarly protected.
> >
> > Correspondents say this position is an attempt to bridge the gap between
> > the US, which wants to ensure that none of its citizens is ever
> > prosecuted by the new ICC, and the Europeans, who want to strengthen the
> > court's credibility.
> >
> > Human rights campaigners have accused Britain in particular of being
> > ready to undermine the court, rather than have a serious clash with the
> > US.
> >
> > Mr Moeller denied this.
> >
> > "There is no concession," he said. "There is no undermining of the
> > International Criminal Court."
> >
> > However his German counterpart, Joschka Fischer, made clear he had
> > wanted a clear rejection of the US demand for blanket immunity.
> >
> > "We did not get that, but we came very close to it," he said.
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ---------------------------
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