
Egyptian Satellite Channel interviews the Leader of the Revolution


The Egyptian satellite channel has conducted an interview this morning with
the Leader of the Revolution to which it dedicated its daily morning
programme, Good Morning Egypt. The interview was transmitted live and

The Leader of the Revolution analysed a number of issues of concern to the
Arab homeland especially the critical situation facing the Arab region, in
the light of the American threat to attack the Iraqi people, the daily
massacres of the Palesitnian people at the hands of the Zionist terrorist
army organisation. 

Regarding his participation in the recent Arab summit in Sharm al Sheikh the
Leader confirmed that this is a critical situation and all Arabs have to
participate in countering the crisis even though he is sceptical about the
use of Arab summits which do not produce any decisive results. It is
possible for the masses and the Arab street to decide the issue.

But the formal Arab order is known for its limited abilities according to
the facts. Despite all this I have attended even though I am not a president
and not a king. I am a leader of a revolution and my presence was in
response to the invitation of my brother, President Hosni Mubarak to stand
by his side, particularly as I noticed that there is some speculation
against Egypt that 

undermine its efforts for all that we contributed towards the conclusion of
the conference in a positive way which is the minimum we can do.

Regarding the relationship between Arab states, the leader revealed that he
has always been insisting that relations between one country and another
must never be cut in times of war in order to provide channels of contact
between belligerants.

/Jamahiriya news agency /


Egyptian satellite channel interviews the leader

(first addendum) 

In respect to the Great Jamahiriya's withdrawal from the Arab League the
leader revealed that this stance is nothing new as Libya has already
presented a formal request to the Arab League for withdrawal especially
after the African Union summit.

Libya is an African country like any other country on the continent. What
happened in Sharm al Sheikh made everyone stand by Libya and say that Libya
repsects itself, is serious and has the right to withdraw from the Arab

In respect of ways to end the Iraqi crisis peacefully the leader confirmed
Iraq did all that was requested from it and everything was inspected.

Therefore what more is requested from Iraq. It has been noted that the
brothers in the Gulf are not happy about Iraq's existance in this way as
they say Iraq is still threatening their security and they act on the basis
that Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was shocking for all of us as it came without
any warning. 

If Iraq occupied an disputed oil field it would have been reasonable and if
it threatened Kuwait even if it blocked its access to the sea and asked for
compensation that would have been accepted. But the invasion of a
state,obliterating its existance and annexing it is quite absurd. Our
brothers in Kuwait see they are in danger and they are not assured as they
could be invaded once again despite all the bombing and destruction in Iraq.

For the Kuwaitis, Iraq is still the same. What I discovered now is that
there is no problem between America and Iraq. I discovered that the problem
is an Arab -Arab. I have informed my brother al sheikh Sabah al Ahmed that
the key is in Kuwait's hand. It could tell America that we have reconciled
with each other and there is no danger facing us and we have changed our
view. Therefore America will stop all its military measures against Iraq.

But he said he could not say so because they are not feeling safe in Kuwait.
They are still threatened by Iraq and they could not deny facilities for
American troops or prevent their forces in the Gulf from launching war on
Iraq as these forces are basically present there at their request,
considering they are allies and friends of America and have a joint defense

The leader revealed that this comes in the absence of Arab unity and the
absence of joint Arab action or Arab effectiveness that protects Kuwait or
Iraq. Such a vacuum made the foreign troops enter and replace the Arabs and
the foreigners are acting in respect of our nation and our bilateral Arab
relations. We are unable to reorganise our house from within even if the
foreigners come and start working inside our house.

The leader questioned who mandated America and Britain to disarm Iraq or any
other country. In this respect he revealed that from the legal point of view
the United Nations charter and international law do not commission America
and Britain to do so, except in case of disarming all weapons of mass
destruction from all countries possessing such weapons. In this case Iraq

could be disarmed by force if it refused to do so. America knows it is not
commissioned to disarm Iraq or any other country. Therefore America finds a
justification to do so when the Arabs ask it to do so.

America is only one member of the United Nations and has no right to disarm
any country except through an international resolution commissioning its to
use its forces. But his is supposed to be done by other international forces
in UN uniforms and UN sponsorship.

/Jamahiriya news agency /


Egyptian satellite channel interviews the Leader of the revolution


(Second addendum) 

Regarding his vision for the solution of the Palestinian cause, the Leader
of the Revolution indicated that he presented to the Amman summit a vision
for the resolution of the issue.

He confirmed that this solution will impose itself even if there is
prevarication or flouting in this respect. The situation does not bear the
presence of two states in Palestine. The radical solution for the case is
the establishment of one state for the Jews and the Palestinians and that
elections are to be sponsored for the first time by the United Nations and
without that there will no solution to the case.

Regarding the efforts of the leader of the revolution to establish the
African Union and what could be achieved for Africa in the light of this
union the leader confirmed that the great African Union was established on a
highly significant facts in Africa which is a compatible continent living
like one nation which is the black nation, consisting of several tribes,
contrary to the European continent which consists of numerous nations.

He revealed that the conflicts witnessed in some areas of the continent are
a result of colonisation which transformed the African tribes into states
and severed the links between these African tribes and between the states
and now these ties are reemerging to eliminate all past conflicts.

He confirmed that Africa has a bright promising future and in the near
future it will be as strong as the United States due to its potentials and
resources and due to the seriousness and commitment of Africans.

/Jamahiriya news agency /


Egyptian satellite channel interviews the Leader

(Third addendum) 


In respect of relations between the Great Jamahiriya and Egypt, the Leader
of the Revolution described the climate prevailing between them as brotherly
and transparant. He called for the need to benefit from this climate for the
future of the two countries and the consolidation of their relations more
and more, especially in investment in roads, railways, gas, oil and
fisheries along the coast of the two countries.

He stressed the need to eliminate all obstacles faced by investors in both
countries to ensure the investment of profits gained in the country of
investment and receiving equal treatment in the same way as national

In respect of the Arab common market and the prospects of taking effective
steps to achieve Arab unity, the leader of the revolution indicated that he
had already presented a draft project to amend the charter of the Arab
League and a legal committee was formed to change the charter of the league
and transform it into an Arab Union with mechanisms and structures including

summetry, ministers' council, specialised technical committees, courts of
justice, the central bank, national security and peace council and an Arab
Defense Council. 

The leader noted that through such structures an Arab Security Council can
be established to handle Arab problems without any foreign intervention and
there will be a joint defense committee to ensure the defense of the Arab
area in addition to a central bank and a monetary fund. We could also issue
a single currency in case the currencies are unified in line with the
economic unity council laid down since 1957 which is yet to be implemented.

/Jamahiriya news agency /


Egyptian satellite channel interviews the Leader

Cairo / 5 al Rabia/ Jana

(Fourth addendum) 

Regarding his visions for the ramifications of the Iraqi issue and war on
the Arab nation, the Leader of the Revolution confirmed that this war is not
only against the Arab nation. He indicated that if America triumphed over
Iraq this is something normal as it is a super power that defeated one of
the third world countries.

He indicated that at this instance nobody can say that Iraq is a coward or
America is brave. 

The leader confirmed that the disaster is if the reverse occures and America
is defeated by Iraq or thousands of Americans were held as prisoners of war
in Iraq. 

He revealed that it is possible for a revolution to take place in the
United States which may result in a trial of the American president, or his
execution. He said that the events of Kuwait could be like a walk in the
park in comparison. Italy when it went to occupy libya in 1911 expected that
it would be a push over. America could fall into the quagrmies of Iraq, its
deserts and could be defeated. Those who put their bets on the American
horse may loose. 

The leader revealed that America was determined to triumph over Iraq and may
persist in the use of force to the extent of using weapons of mass
destruction. This would be serious precedent and would undermine world

The leader confirmed that the lose of excessive force is unacceptable as it
is inhuman and would inflict serious damages on the Iraqi people and the

/Jamahiriya news agency /


Egyptian satellite channel interviews the Leader

Cairo / 5 al Rabia/ Jana

(Fifth addendum) 

The leader indicated that we have previously sympathised with America
following the attacks on New York and Washington and we expressed our
readiness for donations to salvage the Americans from the wreckage and to
donate blood and medicines to the American people who were injured, happless
and harmed. 

He revealed that the whole world sympathised with America when it was able
only to vaccinate two milion people against small pox in fear of using this
epidemic against it.

The leader of the revolution announced that we have already said we are
against what we call blasphemy and terrorism when America said it will fight
the sources of terrorism.

He indicated that the Libyans and Egyptians who came back from Afghanistan
posed a real threat to society in view of the atrocities they committed as
they kill and bomb others as if they are execution teams. They delcared that
people are infidels and they want to kill them in order to remain alone.

The leader confirmed we all want to get rid of them and to crush them
because there is no understanding with them. We said that if American wanted
to crush these rogue elements it is in our interest. He revealed that for
the first time Libya and American stood together against a joint enemy that
is the blasphemers movement.

The leader indicated that the Taliban movement, when it was inside
Afghanistan, was free but when people say that this is the image of the Arab
and the Muslim world as when Afghanistan changed from a state to an Emirate
to undermine all tools of the era, this is rejected.

He confirmed that such an affair and escapism is deterioration and
unacceptable and failure to counter the requirements of the era which has to
be manipulated in our interests.

The leader confirmed that returning to the dark ages is not acceptable and
therefore no one sympathised with the Tliban regime. He indicated that those
who were in Aghanistan were not aware that the blasphermers movement was in
the form of al Qaeda and the taliban which had serious implications for

others. Their discourse was backward and worrying. However it is not
frightening. It is against women, against freedom, against democracy and
progress and against the age.

The leader noted that everybody applauded America and welcomed it when it
started crushing these elements. It has the right to avenge the destruction
of New york and Washington.

The leader revealed that America had the right to do so. It has the right to
defend itself and strike Afghanistan.

But now to move to Iraq is doubtful if it is not agreed upon. This may lead
to the collpase of the international alliance against terrorism.

The leader confirmed that that is why the first loss was incurred by America
which was glad about what it achieved against terrorism. That is the
collpase of the Western coalition, whether that was against terrorism or

/Jamahiriya news agency /


Egyptian satellite channel interviews the Leader


(Sixth and last addendum)

The leader confirmed that the ramifications of the Iraqi crisis would be
serious. If America lost and was defeated the Western coalition against
terrorism would collpase and if it wins then the whole area would be swept
by other groups which are ready now in Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan and
other Arab countries.

The leader indicated that the issue would not be the issue of Iraq only but
a new colonisation that might lead to the opening of warehouses and arming
millions of people and the whole area will explode from the Ocean to the
Gulf and turn into fire.

He revealed that if we see that we are going to be colonised once again then
are we going to remain spectators and applaud the enemy. He expressed his
hope that this would not happen.

/Jamahiriya news agency /

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