
Hungary may offer 2,000 chemical defense suits to

-The suits, of a total value of some two million euros
(2.2 million dollars), would come from stock set aside
for civil defense services and will have to be
-The country is also allowing the US army to use its
military base at Taszar in the south to train Iraqi

BUDAPEST, March 10 (AFP) - Hungary may offer 2,000
chemical defense suits in answer to a NATO request to
provide military equipment to Turkey in case of war on
Iraq, Defense Minister Ferenc Juhasz said Monday.

The suits, complete with gas masks, are "of limited
military use but are excellent for civilian purposes,"
the minister told MTI news agency.

Juhasz said the government would decide on the offer
during a session on Wednesday.

The suits, of a total value of some two million euros
(2.2 million dollars), would come from stock set aside
for civil defense services and will have to be
replaced, Juhasz said.

"Effective legislation regulates the defense stocks
Hungary must maintain with potential emergencies in
mind, so we shall have to buy new suits to replace the
ones we would offer," he told MTI.

He added that the country could finance the suits from
either the general reserves of the budget or an aid
contingency of the foreign ministry.

Until last week, the government had said it would not
offer troops, arms or equipment to help defend Turkey.

But Foreign Minister Laszlo Kovacs said on Saturday
that the country was still mulling offering some help.

"I think we can offer something for the defense of
Turkey," MTI news agency quoted Kovacs as telling a
press conference in the southern Hungarian town of
Szeged on Saturday.

Kovacs said the defense ministry would on Monday
inform the government whether it could offer NATO any
weapons for Turkey.

Hungary on February 24 authorized US troops and
equipment to transit its territory in order to defend
Turkey in case of war against oil-rich Iraq.

The country is also allowing the US army to use its
military base at Taszar in the south to train Iraqi
dissidents. Washington says the Iraqis will be trained
to help US forces liaise with civilians and
humanitarian relief agencies in the aftermath of an
eventual war.

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