
Turkish Daily News
March 12, 2003

Discussions over NATO defense kit for Turkey pending 

-While NATO's military headquarters failed to come up
with all the items on Turkey's latest "wish list," the
Turkish Parliament is preparing for refreshing a new
motion to allow in U.S. troops to open a northern
front in case of war against Iraq. 
-Two AWACS surveillance planes, which are joint NATO
assets, are already in Turkey. The Netherlands sent
three of its four Patriot systems and 46 missiles, and
Germany added 60 more missiles. There are still 500
NATO soldiers in Turkey. 

Ahead of a possible U.S.-led war on Iraq, the
discussions over the NATO defense kit for Turkey is
still pending within NATO while Turkey is fearing it
could face counterattacks in the event of a war. 

The Turkish government had asked NATO for more
antimissile systems along with gas masks and
protective clothing to guard against a possible Iraqi
attack with biological or chemical weapons. 

While NATO's military headquarters failed to come up
with all the items on Turkey's latest "wish list," the
Turkish Parliament is preparing for refreshing a new
motion to allow in U.S. troops to open a northern
front in case of war against Iraq. 

The possibility of NATO member Turkey assisting in a
U.S.-led war on Iraq had raised fears it could face
counterattacks, while its NATO member allies are
arguing assisting Turkey is a bad signal while weapons
inspections still held out hope for a peaceful
solution in Iraq. 

The representatives of the countries in NATO
headquarters had reported their possible aid to Turkey
to NATO. 

Semi-official Anatolia news agency reported the
sources close to the talks as saying that there was
lack of defense materials for biological and chemical

The allies of Turkey are defending that they also may
encounter biological or chemical attacks so they are
also in need for these type of materials. 

Two AWACS surveillance planes, which are joint NATO
assets, are already in Turkey. The Netherlands sent
three of its four Patriot systems and 46 missiles, and
Germany added 60 more missiles. There are still 500
NATO soldiers in Turkey. 

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