
I feared it, State of emergency is declared, democracy's farewell.


Vesti za: Sre / Wed Mar 12. 2003.

16:40 Danas u 18:00 ce u zgradi Palate Federacije biti odrzana sednica Vrhovnog saveta 
odbrane. Uvodjenjem vanrednog stanja vojska Srbije i Crne Gore ce dobiti ovlascenja 
koja ima policija.
At 6 pm today a session of the Supreme Defence Council will be held in Federation 
Palace. By declaring state of emergency Serbia and Montenegro military will get the 
same authority that police force has.

16:30 Zoran Djindjic je iza sebe ostavio suprugu Ruzicu i dvoje dece, 
dvanaestogodisnju kcer Jovanu i devetogodisnjeg sina Luku.
Zoran Djindjic left behind wife Ruzica and two children, twelve year old daughter 
Jovana and seven year old son Luka.

16:25 Prema izjavama ocevidaca atentat na Zorana Djindjica je izvrsen snajperskim 
oruzjem sa zgrade koja se nalazi u Admirala Geprata 14.
According to eyewitness reports Zoran Djindjic was assasinated with a sniper from the 
building in Admirala Geprata 14.

16:20 Potpredsednik vlade Republike Srbije Nebojsa Covic je na konferenciji za stampu 
Vlade Republike Srbije objavio da je na bazi Clana 83 Ustava Srbije podnet predlog 
Natasi Micici, v.d. predsedniku Srbije, da u Srbiji proglasi vanredno stanje. 
Proglasena je trodnevna zalost zbog ubistva predsednika vlade Zorana Djindjica.
Nebojsa Covic, Serbian governnment vicepresident, declared on a press conference that 
Serbian Government asked Natasa Micic, acting Serbian president, to declare state of 
emergency in Serbia, based on article 83 of the Serbian Constitution. Three day 
mourning has been declared.


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