
March 12, 2003

Georgian troops planting mines in Kodori gorge -
Abkhaz deputy DM  

-[Abkhaz Deputy Defense Minister] Kupalba did not rule
out that "provocation acts might be staged from the
Kodori gorge as the snow starts melting." The Abkhaz
armed forces are getting ready for them. 

Tbilisi. (Interfax-AVN) - Units of the Georgian border
guard troops and Defense Ministry, including
engineering and air defense forces, are located in the
Kodori gorge at present, Abkhaz Deputy Defense
Minister Garri Kupalba told Interfax-Military News
Agency on Wednesday. 

"Several areas are being mined," Kupalba said, citing
Abkhaz reconnaissance data. 

Earlier in the day, Abkhazia rejected as "senseless"
Georgia's proposals on sending Abkhaz officials for
monitoring the Kodori gorge, which is the only area
controlled by Georgia after the war of 1992- 1993. 

"Single visits to the Kodori gorge are just
excursions," Kupalba noted. 

It is necessary to work out a mechanism of permanent
scrupulous monitoring of Georgia's compliance with
agreements on the gorge's demilitarization and later
involve the Abkhaz party in it. 

Kupalba stressed that Abkhazia is not satisfied with
the current format of patrolling that is being carried
out by the CIS Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the
Georgian-Abkhaz conflict zone and UN military
observers once a week or twice a month depending on
weather conditions. 

"The parties are informed on the patrolling route
beforehand, which makes the monitoring senseless for
no violation will ever be found," Kupalba said. 

"The fact that Georgia refuses to open permanent posts
of Russian peacekeepers in the Kodori gorge speaks for
itself," he stressed. 

Kupalba did not rule out that "provocation acts might
be staged from the Kodori gorge as the snow starts
melting." The Abkhaz armed forces are getting ready
for them. 

At the same time, Georgian Minister without Portfolio
Malkhaz Kakabadze told Interfax-AVN that Georgia
confirms its readiness to accept Abkhaz officials in
the Kodori gorge and persuade them that no danger
comes from the area. 

March 12, 2003

Georgian delegation leaves for Brussels to attend
political consultations in NATO-Georgia format  

-The officials will also negotiate on the political
and economic situation in Georgia, conflicts
settlement, Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty,
Russian military bases in Georgia, and military

Tbilisi. (Interfax-AVN) - A Georgian delegation led by
Foreign Minister Irakly Menagarishvili left for
Brussels on Wednesday to attend the third leg of
political consultations in the NATO-Georgia format,
Deputy Foreign Minister Kakha Sikharilidze told
Interfax- Military News Agency. 

The delegation consists of officials of the Foreign
Ministry, Defense Ministry and National Security
Council. The consultations will take place in the NATO
headquarters from Thursday to Friday. 

According to Sikharilidze, Menagarishvili will meet
with NATO Secretary General George Robertson on

Sikharilidze said that the format of the negotiations
earlier prescribed that the Georgian delegation is
headed by a deputy foreign minister, but later the
level was raised. 

"It is related to the fact that Georgia considers
rapprochement with NATO a landmark event, especially
after the Georgian president announced the country's
intention to join the Alliance at the Prague summit in
November last year," Sikharilidze noted. 

While staying in Brussels, the Georgian delegation
will also meet with members of the unofficial Vilnius
Ten that united in 2002 to coordinate and provide
mutual aid when becoming closer with NATO. 

Participants in the third leg of consultations will
discuss prospects of relations between Georgia and
NATO, parameters of the state program of Euro-Atlantic
integration and a new partnership program suggested by
the Alliance. The officials will also negotiate on the
political and economic situation in Georgia, conflicts
settlement, Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty,
Russian military bases in Georgia, and military
NATO will be represented at the consultations by
Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs
Guenther Altenburg. 
March 13, 2003

RBC, 13.03.2003, Tbilisi 10:02:32.Georgia and NATO
will start political consultations in Brussels today,
a source in the Georgian Foreign Ministry reported to
RBC. Georgia's delegation will be headed by Foreign
Minister Irakli Menagharishvili. On March 14, he is
expected to meet with NATO Secretary General George
Robertson. The sides will discuss speeding up
Georgia's integration with NATO, Georgia's state
program on entering NATO and its implementation. 

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