
21:20 Lideri kosovskih Albanaca i Sef UNMIK-a Mihael Stajner ocenili su danas atentat 
na srpskog premijera Zorana Djindjica kao zlocinacki cin uperen protiv demokratskih 
procesa u Srbiji.
Kosovo Albanian leaders and UNMIK chief Michael Steiner described today the 
assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic as a criminal act against 
democratic processes in Serbia.

21:00 Predsednik Parlamentarne skupstine Saveta Evrope Peter Sider zatrazio je da 
Srbija i Crna Gora bude primljena u Savet Evrope na aprilskoj sednici Parlamentarne 
Peter Schidder, president of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, has advised 
to the Committee of Ministers to accept Serbia-Montenegro as a member of that 

20:40 Potpredsednik Vlade Srbije Nebojsa Covic izjavio je veceras da su na 
informativni razgovor privedeni bivsi nacelnik drzavne bezbednosti Jovica Stanisic i 
bivsi komandant 'crvenih beretki' Franko Simatovic.
Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Nebojsa Covic said that former head of Serbia’s State 
Security, Jovica Stanisic, and the founding commander of the police Special Operations 
Unit, Frenki Simatovic, have been detained for questioning.

20:20 Posle razgovora sa Havijerom Solanom i Krisom Patenom, savezni ministar 
inostranih poslova Goran Svilanovic, izjavio je da su predstavnici Evropske unije u 
Beograd dosli kako bi iskazali podrsku narodu Srbije.
After the meeting with Javier Solana and Chris Patten, Federal Minister of Foreign 
Affairs Goran Svilanovic said that representatives of the European Union had come to 
Belgrade to offer their support to Serbian people.

20:00 Americki drzavni sekretar Kolin Pauel izjavio je danas da su Sjedinjene Americke 
Drzave spremne da svim sredstvima pomognu Srbiji da prevazidje tesku situaciju u kojoj 
se nasla posle jucerasnjeg ubistva premijera Zorana Djindjica.
US State Secretary Colin Powell said today that the United States *was ready to use 
all means* to help Serbia overcome the difficult situation encountered after 
yesterday's murder of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.
[we believe Collin Powell, for sure]


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