
Stars And Stripes (US Armed Forces)
March 13, 2003

Restrictions on e-mail to, from deployed troops under

By Sandra Jontz, Stars and Stripes

ARLINGTON, Va. — Some deployed troops might be
restricted in the types of e-mail traffic they can
send home for fear that seemingly benign messages
could pose a security threat.

Some unit commanders are reportedly clamping down on
e-mail, fearing that information and photos of cramped
tents, for example, might be compromising unit safety,
several officials have told Stars and Stripes.

Thus far, however, leaders from the Central Command,
running operations in Afghanistan and who will be
tasked with leading any possible war with Iraq, have
not issued a blanket policy to limit or ban e-mail,
CENTCOM spokesman Air Force Lt. Col. Ed Worley said
during a phone interview from Qatar.

But it’s under consideration.

“[M]ilitary commands and units throughout the CENTCOM
area of responsibility are attempting to balance the
morale-enhancing benefits of personal e-mails between
servicemembers and their families and friends with the
real security concerns associated with preparing for
possible combat operations,” said a spokesman, Marine
Maj. Pete Mitchell, also in Qatar.

“A number of disparate pieces of seemingly harmless
information, when woven together, can create real
security breeches which would potentially risk the
lives of those servicemembers in forward locations.”

Across the services, the decision on what
restrictions, if any, is left to the unit commanders,
officials said.

“All commands practice security at the source,
training servicemembers on what can and cannot be said
and leaving it to those servicemembers to safeguard
classified or sensitive information,” said Navy
spokeswoman Lt. Brauna Carl.

“It is also possible to monitor electronic mail or to
cut it off altogether, depending upon the commander’s
estimate of the situation.”

On submarines, however, the policy is slightly
different, Carl said.

“The submarine force brings stealth, endurance,
mobility, and firepower to the battlefield. Stealth is
our greatest asset and must be protected. E-mail
traffic on submarines is reviewed in both the ‘send’
and ‘receive’ modes to ensure operational security is
not breached,” said Lt. Cmdr. Bob Mehal, a spokesman
for the commander of Naval Submarine Forces, in a
prepared statement.

On Wednesday, The New York Times reported that the Air
Force last week warned airmen that it might limit or
block electronic messages because some had transmitted
sensitive information, including digital pictures that
might have compromised unit safety.

On another front, Marines of the 26th Marine
Expeditionary Unit, who set sail March 4 with the USS
Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group out of Norfolk, Va.,
on a routine deployment, have not been restricted from
use of phones or unclassified e-mail systems, said the
MEU spokesman Capt. James Jarvis.

Marines are sometimes reminded of safety measures
during nightly Commander of Troops meetings, but the
issue of e-mail safety measures has not been the
target of any focused briefing, said Jarvis, also
quoting the MEU commander’s policy:

“If we can trust a Marine or sailor to carry a weapon
into harm’s way with live ammunition, than we should
be able to trust them that they are not going to
divulge classified information to their wife,
girlfriend or parents back home,” he said, quoting
Col. Andrew Frick, the commanding officer of the 26th

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