
AFP. 15 March 2003. Palestinians stage pro-Iraq demonstrations
throughout territories.

KHAN YUNIS -- Some 4,000 Palestinians from across the political spectrum
took to the streets of this Gaza Strip town Saturday in one of a string
of rallies around the territories in support of Iraqi President Saddam

Men, women and children carried the Palestinian and Iraqi flags side by
side as well as huge portraits of the Iraqi president and Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat.

"No to war, yes to peace," read signs carried by young children among
the demonstrators, who donned colourful felt masks in the shape of
butterflies, bears and US cartoon icon Mickey Mouse.

A white dove carrying an olive tree branch was set free.

"Oh Saddam, oh Saddam, go and strike Tel Aviv," chanted angry men in the
crowd as they burned British, US and Israeli flags as well as effigies
of US President George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Ten black-hooded men, wearing mock explosives belts, were parading as
suicide bombers in the midst of the crowd.

In Gaza City, 1,000 women gathered in another pro-Iraq march, waving
Palestinian and Iraqi flags and Arafat's picture.

"Oh Bush, hear us, hear us, you won't get away with attacking Iraq,"
they chanted, while urging the Iraqi leader to "give women weapons."

In the northern West Bank, a demonstration called by all factions in
Nablus attracted approximately 3,000 people.

The large crowd of men and women chanted pro-Iraqi slogans and burned
Israeli and US flags while urging Saddam to "hit Tel Aviv," and thanking
France and Germany for their anti-war stance.

In Jenin, also in the northern West Bank, 2,000 protesters burned
Israeli, US and British flags as well as dummies of Sharon, Bush and
British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Farther south, 200 people marched in Ramallah in a demonstration
organized by the popular committee for Iraq.

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with photos


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