
Prensa Latina
December 28, 2009

Spain Without a Date to Leave Afghanistan      

-[J]udging by the amazing Spanish base being built close to the airport of the 
capital of the Province of Badghis, the withdrawal will not come soon.
This base will have a capacity to accommodate around 300,000 soldiers and its 
cost will exceed 44 million euros. The base will have an extension of around 
173 acres and a perimeter of 3 miles.

Madrid: The Spanish Minister of Defence Carmen Chacon avoided fixing a date for 
an eventual withdrawal of its troops that are still deployed in Afghanistan.

Chacon has recently visited the contingent of the Iberian nation which is part 
of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to congratulate in person 
the Spanish soldiers and to mark Christmas parties and the New Year, the media 
highlighted Monday.
As part of her first visit to the occupied country, the official had a 
breakfast in the aerodrome of the Afghan capital with a group of more than 70 
Spanish military personnel responsible for its management and administration 
since last October and until March 31.

She praised the soldiers for their dedicated work and conveyed regards and 
recognition from President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and King Juan Carlos.

The El Pais daily underlined that in constrast to US President Barack Obama's 
announcement, who fixed for the second semester of 2011 the date to initiate 
the withdrawal of his troops, Spain doesn't want to fix a date for its 
withdrawal from Afghanistan.
According to El Pais, judging by the amazing Spanish base being built close to 
the airport of the capital of the Province of Badghis, the withdrawal will not 
come soon.

This base will have a capacity to accommodate around 300,000 soldiers and its 
cost will exceed 44 million euros. The base will have an extension of around 
173 acres and a perimeter of 3 miles.

Spain has 1,068 soldiers in Afganistan under the ISAF, 998 permanent and 70 
temporary who in charge of managing the Kabul Airport.

The Spainish contingent is mainly deployed in Herat and Qala e Naw, in the 
western region of the country.

Another 511 soldiers will joing the contingent at the beginning of 2010 in 
response to a demand by Washington and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 

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