The Leader (Spain)
December 28, 2009

Kevin Reardon 

After the death of Cristo Ancor Cabello Santana in an attack on 7 October the 
death toll resulting from the Spanish mission in Afghanistan rose to 90 
personnel. A further 150 soldiers have been seriously injured.

The previous fatal attack suffered by the Spanish contingent in Afghanistan 
took place on 9 November 2008, when a suicide bomber killed two soldiers of the 
Light Airborne brigade (BRILAT), Juan Andres Suarez García and Ruben Alonso 

The first victims of the Spanish contingent were the 63 servicemen killed in 
the crash of the Yakovlev-42 transport plane on 26 May 2003 in Trabzon (Turkey) 
when they were returning to their base in Zaragoza having completed their peace 
keeping mission.

Two years later, on 16 August 2005, 17 military personnel aboard a Cougar 
helicopter died when it crashed in Shindad (Afghanistan) whilst conducting a 
reconnaissance flight with another Spanish detachment.

Aside from the aircraft crashes, the first serviceman killed in Afghanistan was 
Air Force doctor, Captain of the Air Force, Jesus de la Pascua Belaustegui, who 
died of a heart attack on 24 October 2005. The first military victim from an 
attack by the Afghan insurgents was the Peruvian soldier Jorge Arnaldo 
Hernandez Seminario, who was travelling in a vehicle that was hit by an 
antitank mine on July 8, 2006.

On 21 February 2007, a soldier, Idoia Rodriguez Bujan, also died as a result of 
an exploding anti-tank mine planted on a road in the Shindad district.

After Rodriguez's death Sergeant Juan Antonio Abril Sanchez was killed on 26 
May 2007 in an accident with his High Mobility Tactical vehicle (VAMTAC). The 
Spanish detachment suffered a further terrorist attack on 24 September 2007 
when two soldiers, German Perez Burgos and Stanley Mera Vera died with their 
translator Roohulah Mosavi.

Meanwhile in support of her troops the Minister of Defence, Carmon Chacon, paid 
a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Monday. She arrived in Kabul at 6.30 am 
(2.00 GMT) where she said she hoped to provide at least a little Christmas 
cheer to over 1000 Spanish military.

Chacon was accompanied by the Chief of the Defence Staff (CHODs) Gen. Jose 
Julio Rodriguez, arriving on board an aircraft of the Spanish Armed Forces in 
Kabul airport, where a group of Spanish 70 military has been responsible for 
the airport’s management since last October. 

For reasons of security the visit was kept secret and comes only a week after 
the Spanish contingent was attacked by insurgents, and days after an Afghan 
civilian was killed by gunfire from a Spanish military.

After spending an hour at Kabul airport, Chacon travelled on board a Hercules 
plane that took her to Qala e Naw, where she visited the PRT (Provincial 
Reconstruction Team) led by Spain in western Afghanistan.

Today, Spain has 1,068 military personnel stationed permanently in Afghanistan, 
split between the airport in Kabul and the PRT in Herat. 

Earlier this year Spain sent an additional 511 troops to meet the demands of 
the U.S. administration and NATO as the country’s increased contribution to the 
international community in Afghanistan.

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