Polish Radio
December 28, 2009

Polish Armed Forces gear up for reservist recruitment

The Armed Forces are starting a campaign in the new year that hopes to recruit 
for the National Forces Reserve.

The move comes after Poland’s armed forces decided to turn into professional 
fighting units, with reserve forces forming part of them.

Major Andrzej Krahel told Polish Radio that in the event of war, the reserve 
units could be mobilised after "a qualifying assessment and [the signing of] a 
contract [with personnel]. Then the soldier is given a position in the event of 
crisis and may be called up for armed service."

Soldiers in the Reserve Forces will remain in their day-to-day civilian jobs, 
but will have to train on a regular basis to keep up their combat skills in the 
event of warfare. However reservists will not only be called up in case of war, 
but also in case of natural disasters or other situations when safety is at 
heightened risk.

Recruitment does not start until January, but interest is already high, says 
Major Andrzej Krahel, stating that many people have entered themselves onto the 
recruitment database. 

The Polish Armed Forces eventually wants to see up to 20,000 reserve soldiers 
on their books, hoping that half of them will sign contracts in the upcoming 

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