Jamaica Gleaner
January 17, 2010

Haiti - the price of freedom
Carolyn Cooper

-It is still not widely known that Haiti was forced to pay 90 million gold 
francs in reparations to France for freedom. This vast sum is equivalent to 
more than US$21 billion today. Haiti had to borrow the money from French banks. 
Repayment of the reparations debt stretched out over decades and had a 
devastating impact on the Haitian economy. By the end of the 19th century, 80 
per cent of Haiti's national budget was being spent on debt repayment and 
interest. Sounds like an IMF agreement, a truly devilish pact.

In the days when BWIA used to fly to Haiti, I once sat next to a man who asked 
me to fill out his immigration form. François' occupation was painter, and as 
he was about to get off the flight, he gave me an unexpected gift - one of his 
paintings. I'd mistakenly assumed he was a house painter. To be honest, I 
thought the painting rather touristy. It was a landscape, with clouds, birds, 
trees and houses all lined up symmetrically. Only the people were out of order.

All the same, I was touched by the gesture. The painter's generosity far 
exceeded the small service I had rendered. It took me more than a decade to 
frame the painting which I'd dismissively set aside. I was amazed to see how 
the defining border transformed into vibrant art what I'd thought of as 
paint-by-numbers work. By investing in a frame, I'd decided that the painting 
was art. It makes you wonder about how perception is altered by the ways in 
which we frame reality.

Take, for instance, Pat Robertson's lunatic perspective on the catastrophic 
earthquake in Haiti. Founder and chairman of the Christian Broadcasting 
Network, Robertson, a former Republican candidate for the US presidency, makes 
Sarah Palin look like a 'bonafide' intellectual. In an interview on January 13, 
Robertson made a preposterous declaration:

"You know, Kristi, something happened a long time ago in Haiti and the people 
might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French. Ah, 
you know, Napoleon III and whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to 
the devil. They said we will serve you if you'll get us free from the French. 
True story. And so the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal.' And ah they kicked the 
French out. You know, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free. But ever 
since, they have been cursed by by one thing after the other."

Where do you start to unravel the knots of confusion? First of all, I just love 
that eloquent 'whatever.' Wikipedia defines the slang word as "an expression of 
(reluctant) agreement, indifference, or begrudging compliance." As used here by 
Robertson, 'whatever' signifies a total suspension of thought. The brutality of 
enslavement by the French is reduced to mindless indifference.

In Robertson's 'true story', the devil and the Haitian freedom fighters become 
one. The devil agrees to liberate the people. But in the next sentence, 
Robertson uses 'they': "and ah they kicked the French out." Is this 'they' the 
combined forces of the devil and the Haitian people? Or is Robertson 
unconsciously conceding that the people, moreso than the devil, had a hand (and 
a foot) in their emancipation? He does go on to say that "the Haitians revolted 
and got themselves free." But that rather peculiar turn of phrase, "got 
themselves free", takes us right back to the claim that freedom was a gift of 
the devil.

Furthermore, Robertson asserts that the price of devilish freedom is a curse. 
Here, this simple-minded Christian minister edges away from the lunatic fringe 
and right into the arms of more 'mainstream' analysts of the plight of the 
Haitian people: Had Haiti remained a colony of France, like the overseas 
departments of Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guiana, how blessed the people 
would now be! But, no. The Haitian people dared to declare their independence. 
And just look at how pauperised they are.

It is still not widely known that Haiti was forced to pay 90 million gold 
francs in reparations to France for freedom. This vast sum is equivalent to 
more than US$21 billion today. Haiti had to borrow the money from French banks. 
Repayment of the reparations debt stretched out over decades and had a 
devastating impact on the Haitian economy. By the end of the 19th century, 80 
per cent of Haiti's national budget was being spent on debt repayment and 
interest. Sounds like an IMF agreement, a truly devilish pact.

Haitians in Portmore

The US refused to recognise the new Haitian republic and imposed an embargo 
that lasted until 1862. In 1915, the US invaded Haiti to protect its economic 
interests and remained in occupation until 1934. Local Haitian leaders were no 
less predatory than foreign forces, as demonstrated in the truly terrifying 
reign of Papa and Baby Doc. But there was also the redemptive Aristide who 
affirmed social justice as an essential Christian principle. He was deposed in 
a military coup.

Crazy as Pat Robertson's explanation for last week's earthquake is, it's not 
that different from the account I got from a man who works in construction in 
my neighbourhood: "Is because of all a di gun dem weh di Haitian dem a bring 
inna Jamaica. Whole heap a AK47. Dem exchange di gun fi ganja." My attempt to 
reason with this man was in vain: "A through you don't know. Nuff Haitian inna 

This is a classic example of how other Caribbean people still demonise 
Haitians. We forget about our shared history. It was a Jamaican, Boukman Dutty, 
who spearheaded the Haitian Revolution. In August 1791, Boukman/Book Man, so 
named because he was literate, conducted a religious ceremony at Bois Caiman in 
which a freedom covenant was affirmed: Pat Robertson's 'pact to the devil.' 

When I think of Haiti, it's not poverty that first comes to mind. It's the 
magnificent art created by these resilient people. I know that out of the 
rubble of this earthquake, the Haitian people will rise yet again. And they 
don't need the help of the devil.

*Carolyn Cooper is professor of literary and cultural studies at the University 
of the West Indies, Mona.

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