January 26, 2010

Russia, Turkey and the Great Game: Changing teams

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev’s visit to Turkish last month shows that 
Turkey and Russia are rapidly developing close economic and political ties, 
notes Eric Walberg

For all intents and purposes, Turkey has given up on the European Union, 
recognising it as a bastion of Islamophobia and captive to US diktat. As 
Switzerland bans minarets and France moves to outlaw the niqab, the popular 
Islamist government in Istanbul moves in the opposite direction - supporting 
the freedom to wear headscarfs, boldly criticising Israel and building bridges 
with Syria. This is nothing less than a fundamental realignment of Turkish 
politics towards Turkey’s natural allies - the Arabs ... and the Russians. 
This new alignment with Russia began in 2001 when Turkish and Russian foreign 
ministers signed the Eurasia Cooperation Action Plan. It went into high gear in 
February 2009, when Turkish President Abdullah Gul made a state visit to 
Russia, including a visit to the Russian Federation’s thriving and energy-rich 
Autonomous Republic of Tatarstan, populated by a majority of Muslim Turks, with 
pipelines, nuclear energy and trade the focus of attention. 
In the past, Russia had poor relations with Turkey, which since its founding as 
a republic in 1922 was firmly in the Western camp and seen by Moscow as a 
springboard for infiltration into the Caucasus and its Turkic southern 
republics. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Yeltsin’s Russia 
acquiesced to US hegemony in the region, and as part of this opening to the 
West, Turkish schools, construction firms and traders came in great numbers to 
the ex-Soviet “stans” (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and 
Turkmenistan). 9/11 convinced Russian president Vladimir Putin to go so far as 
welcoming US military bases in the most strategic “stans”. The old Great Game 
appeared to be over, lost resoundingly by Russia.
But as the world tired of the US-sponsored “war on terrorism”, it seemed the 
Great Game was not over after all. A NATO member, Turkey was soon joined by 
Bulgaria and Romania, making the Black Sea a de facto NATO lake, alarming a now 
resurgent Russia.
Ukraine’s Western-backed “Orange Revolution” in 2004 further tilted the balance 
away from Russia, with Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko defiantly vowing 
to join NATO and kick the Russian fleet out of Crimea. He even armed Georgia in 
its war with Russia in 2008. 
However, not only Russia was fed up with the new pax americana. Over 90 per 
cent of Turks had an unfavourable view of the US by 2007. It is no surprise 
that Turkey began to back away from unconditional support of NATO and the US, 
notably, during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, by its refusal in 2008 to allow US 
warships through the Bosphorus Strait to support Georgia, and by its outspoken 
criticism of Israel following the invasion of Gaza that year. 
In contrast to the US-sponsored colour revolutions in the ex-socialist bloc, 
Turkey’s “Green Revolution” brought the religious-oriented Justice and 
Development Party to power in 2002. Its political direction has been in search 
of balance in the region and peaceful relations with its neighbours, including 
Armenia and the Kurds. In 2004 Russian president Vladimir Putin signed a joint 
declaration of cooperation in Ankara, updated in February 2009 by Gul and 
Russian President Dmitri Medvedev in Moscow. Gul declared, “Russia and Turkey 
are neighbouring countries that are developing their relations on the basis of 
mutual confidence. I hope this visit will in turn give a new character to our 
Key to this is Turkey’s proposal for the establishment of a Caucasus Stability 
and Cooperation Platform. Following Gul’s visit, Turkish media even described 
Turkish-Russian relations as a “strategic partnership”, which no doubt set off 
alarm bells in Washington. 
None of this would be taking place without solid economic interests. 
Turkish-Russian economic ties have greatly expanded over the past decade, with 
trade reaching $33 billion in 2008, much if it gas and oil, making Russia 
Turkey’s number one partner. They may soon use the Turkish lira and the Russian 
ruble in foreign trade. 
This is the context of Medvedev’s visit 13 January to Ankara, which focussed 
primarily on energy cooperation. Russia’s AtomStroiExport had won the tender 
for the construction of Turkey’s first nuclear plant last year, and Medvedev 
was eager to get final approval on Turkish cooperation in Gazprom’s South 
Stream gas pipeline to Europe. Turkey will soon get up to 80 per cent of its 
gas from Russia, but this dependency is no longer viewed as a liability in 
light of the two countries’ new strategic relations. 
Just what will happen to the West’s rival Nabucco pipeline, also intended to 
transit Turkey, is now a moot point. Nabucco hopes to bring gas from Iran and 
Azerbaijan to Europe through Turkey and Georgia. Given the standoff between the 
West and Iran and the instability of Georgia, this alternative to Russia’s 
plans looks increasingly unattractive. Azerbaijan, shrewdly, has already signed 
up with South Stream.
Kommersant quoted Gazprom officials as saying that Turkey could soon join Italy 
and Germany as Russia’s “strategic partner”. Italy’s ENI is co-funding the 
South Stream project. The other arm of Gazprom’s pincer move around Ukraine is 
Nord Stream, and Germany late last year gave its final approval for Nord 
Stream. A Polish minister compared the Russia-Germany Nord Stream project to 
the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentropp pact, because the pipeline allows Russia to 
deliver gas to Western Europe and “turn off the taps” to Ukraine in case it 
stops paying or starts stealing gas as happened several times under the Orange 
Turkey is very much a key player in this new Great Game, only it appears to 
have changed sides. The Russian and Turkish prime ministers voiced the hope 
that their trade would triple by 2015, and announced plans to for a visa-free 
regime by May this year. “In the end, without doubt, [a visa-free regime] will 
lead to activating cooperation between our countries,” said Turkish Prime 
Minister Recep Erdogan.
The presidential elections now in progress in Ukraine could take some of the 
wind out of the sails of South Stream. Its rationale could be brought into 
question if the new Ukrainian president succeeds in convincing Moscow that s/he 
will make sure no further hanky-panky takes place. Ukraine, in dire economic 
straits, needs the transit fees, which would disappear if current plans go 
ahead. But the damage the Orange revolutionaries did to Ukraine’s economy and 
relations with Russia is already a fait accompli. Says Alexander Rahr at the 
German Council on Foreign Relations, “Under every leadership, Ukraine will try 
to make use of its geographical position and the Russians realised this some 
time ago. This is why they desperately need a way to circumvent Ukraine.” 
Even if Ukraine, too, changes teams and rejects NATO expansion plans, it will 
still have to thrash out a new role, most likely minus its gas transit 
commissions. Contender Viktor Yanukovich has signalled he would sign up to an 
economic cooperation agreement with Russia and smooth over existing political 
problems like the question of the Russian fleet and possibly the recognition of 
South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Turkey could well follow suit. “If any Western 
country is going to recognise the independence of Abkhazia, it will be Turkey 
because of a large Abkhazian diaspora there,” says Rahr.
There is no reason why Ukraine couldn’t join the budding Russian-Turkish 
alliance, founded on regional stability and peace, unlike the current NATO-led 
one of confrontation and enmity. This would leave only the mad Georgian 
President Mikheil Saakashvili quixotically fighting his windmills, dictator of 
a rump state -- the very opposite of his intended role as NATO’s valiant knight 
leading its march eastward. Even inveterate Turkish foe Armenia seems eager to 
join the new line-up, as last year’s exchange of ambassadors demonstrated.

Eric Walberg writes for Al-Ahram Weekly You can 
reach him at 

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