Russian Information Agency Novosti
January 28, 2010

What lies in store for Antarctica, the world's last repository?
RIA Novosti military commentator Ilya Kramnik

-Under the ice, under the continental shelf, there are enormous mineral 
resources and the surrounding seas are full of bio-resources. In addition, the 
glaciers of Antarctica contain 90% of the world's fresh water, the shortage of 
which becomes all the more acute with the growth in the world's population. 
-Although Antarctica itself is a demilitarized zone, armed conflicts did arise 
in its vicinity. Its worth mentioning the lengthy conflict between Chile and 
Argentina over an island near Cape Horn....
-[A]long with the neighboring islands controlled by the U.K., the Falklands are 
the de facto gateway to the Antarctic, which explains London's tenacity in 
maintaining sovereignty over them and the South Georgia and the South Sandwich 
Islands, as well as territorial claims regarding the South Shetland and South 
Orkney Islands under the Antarctic Treaty.
-It is possible that the fate of Antarctic territories will depend on the 
coordinated stance of major powers, including Russia. If such a coordinated 
stance is not achieved, then the carving up of Antarctica could become a 
reality in the next 20 to 30 years. 

Moscow: A historic discovery was made on January 28, 1820. A Russian navy 
expedition under the command of Faddei Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev 
sighted the last of the remaining unexplored continents - Antarctica.

Consequently, Russians were the third and last nationality, after the Spaniards 
who discovered America and the Dutch who found Australia, to discover an 
unknown continent.

Today, Antarctica is interesting because it is legally "no one's," property, 
i.e. no one country owns its territory and it is not divided into any zones or 
sectors. It is accessible to all. The only question is how much longer this 
status will continue.

Antarctica is humanity's last unspoiled repository. Under the ice, under the 
continental shelf, there are enormous mineral resources and the surrounding 
seas are full of bio-resources. In addition, the glaciers of Antarctica contain 
90% of the world's fresh water, the shortage of which becomes all the more 
acute with the growth in the world's population. Therefore, Antarctica is 
attracting more and more attention.

The recorded history of the continent started by its not being found for a long 
time, and once it was found, nobody wanted to live there. The voyage of the 
sloops Vostok and Mirny was the first high-latitude expedition sent to the 
southern seas after renowned English seafarer James Cook was unsuccessful in 
his attempts to find the southern continent. In the expeditions of 1768-1771 
and 1772-1775, Cook was able to penetrate the southern polar circle (66° 33? 
39?S), but he said that further navigation to the south was impossible.

The Russian expedition was charged from the very beginning with penetrating as 
deep as possible to the south to finally answer the question of whether or not 
there was a southern continent. On January 28, the coast of Antarctica was 
first sighted at the coordinates 69° 21' 28" S and 2° 14' 50" W. Then the 
Russian ships circumnavigated Antarctica, discovering many neighboring islands 
and mapping parts of the continent.

Earnest interest in Antarctica grew later, in the 20th century, after a number 
of expeditions into the interior of the continent, during which man first set 
foot on the South Pole (Amundsen's expedition of 1911-1912) and mapped the 
surface of the continent.

In the mid-20th century, many countries established scientific research 
stations in Antarctica. In 1961, a treaty went into effect stipulating the 
demilitarization of Antarctica and its use for exclusively peaceful purposes. 
The treaty's signatories officially relinquished territorial claims to the 
continent's land.

Nevertheless, this did not mean the end of plans to develop Antarctica's 
natural riches. Official territorial claims were merely shelved. With the 
passage of time, the resources of the south seas and the Antarctic continent 
itself have grown more interesting to many countries and a number of experts 
believe that the Antarctic Treaty's years in its present form are numbered, 
regardless of it having been recently renewed for another 50 years.

Although Antarctica itself is a demilitarized zone, armed conflicts did arise 
in its vicinity. Its worth mentioning the lengthy conflict between Chile and 
Argentina over an island near Cape Horn, as well as the overlapping territorial 
claims of these two countries in Antarctica, where both of them are expanding 
their presence and are moving towards organizing permanent settlements.

Another thing worth mentioning is the conflict between Argentina and the U.K. 
over the Falkland Islands. In and of themselves, the islands are not of 
significant interest, but they include and imply control of vast resource-rich 
areas of the ocean. In addition, along with the neighboring islands controlled 
by the U.K., the Falklands are the de facto gateway to the Antarctic, which 
explains London's tenacity in maintaining sovereignty over them and the South 
Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, as well as territorial claims regarding 
the South Shetland and South Orkney Islands under the Antarctic Treaty.

In turn, Argentina also insists on its rights to these territories, which 
include control of considerable tracts of continental shelf and sea. At 
present, the conflict is frozen; however, many analysts believe that it has a 
reasonable chance of flaring up again in the future.

Russia, the discoverer of Antarctica, is currently one of the most widely 
represented countries there. At present, Russia has five polar stations and one 
polar base, where a wide-ranging scientific research program is carried out. 
There are also plans to re-open three previously closed stations.

Russia is in favor of maintaining the status quo in Antarctica.

"In the interests of all countries, this is the only stance for the Antarctic 
Treaty's signatories - to avoid any action that would attempt to scuttle this 
agreement," said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the subject.

At present, the countries directly bordering the Antarctic region continue to 
pay lip service to the agreement; however, there are activists in Chile, 
Argentina and New Zealand that hold that their country has lawful rights to 
ownership of Antarctic territories and are working towards this goal.

It is possible that the fate of Antarctic territories will depend on the 
coordinated stance of major powers, including Russia. If such a coordinated 
stance is not achieved, then the carving up of Antarctica could become a 
reality in the next 20 to 30 years. Under such conditions, Russia will need 
weighty arguments to defend the status quo of Antarctica with other countries, 
or, if this is not possible, ensure its participation in the development of 
Antarctica's riches.

It is impossible to name a specific timeline for a possible "War for the 
Antarctic." But conjecture is possible based on the following factors - for 
example, the appearance of technology allowing rapid and cost effective supply 
of fresh water from Antarctic glaciers to arid and tropical regions; a new 
increase in oil prices and growing demand for crude, which will make oil 
extraction on the Antarctic shelf economically viable or an increase in demand 
for food because of the growing global population, which would require fishing 
in the south seas, etc.

For the time being, there has been no such convergence of interests. But it is 
ever more likely.

Accordingly, expansion of Russia's presence in Antarctica and development of 
its polar infrastructure is absolutely justified. These actions will provide 
Russia with a base on which it can rely in defending its stance on Antarctica's 

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