Defense Professionals
February 1, 2010

New head of NATO theatre missile defence programme  

-Previously he was Commander of the 446th Technical Support Wing of the 46th 
Air Brigade from Pisa. Here he supported NATO operations in Kosovo and 
Operation Enduring Freedom. During his career, he received several awards 
including the NATO Medal for Military Operation in former Yugoslavia and in 

Brussels and The Hague: On the 1st of February, Brigadier General Alessandro 
Pera takes up the position of new head of the Active Layered Theatre Ballistic 
Missile Defence Programme Office. He succeeds retired Brigadier General Michel 
Billard, in developing a NATO defence against theatre ballistic missile attacks 
on its forces. He will have quite a challenging agenda, which includes fielding 
a first capability this year.

Prior to joining ALTBMD, Brig. Gen. Pera was Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff of 
the Air Force in Italy, where he was in charge of C4I and Transformation. From 
2003 to 2007, he was Director of Support Directorate in CAOC 8 Torrejon 
(Spain). Amongst other assignments, this graduate in Aeronautical Sciences has 
served in SFOR Sarajevo.

Previously he was Commander of the 446th Technical Support Wing of the 46th Air 
Brigade from Pisa. Here he supported NATO operations in Kosovo and Operation 
Enduring Freedom. During his career, he received several awards including the 
NATO Medal for Military Operation in former Yugoslavia and in Kosovo.

On 29 January, at the farewell ceremony organized by the Agency’s Programme 
Office, Brigadier General Billard, who is going to retire, said he was 
“confident in the future of NATO collective defence, and more specifically, in 
the area of missile defence.”

New operational capability

As a first step, General Pera will handle the delivery of the interim ALTBMD 
capability. The ALTBMD will be built in increments, with the progressive 
addition of new missile defence capabilities in NATO command and control 
systems, as new national weapon systems, such as radars and interceptors are 
made available to NATO. The system will be one of the more sophisticated of its 
type, and will be the only system which can integrate all Alliance TBM 
defences. The ALTBMD capability will make NATO forces safer from the threat of 
short and medium-range ballistic missile attacks.

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