
Associated Press
February 4, 2010

Security bloc considers adding Iran, Pakistan

BEIJING: The conflict in Afghanistan and expanding its membership to include 
Iran and Pakistan are key issues facing the Shanghai Cooperation Organization 
in the coming year, its new head said.

"In the current global context, the top priority is finding a solution to the 
Afghan issue," Secretary-General Muratbek Sansyzbayevich Imanaliev said during 
a news conference in Beijing on Wednesday.

The fear is that instability within Afghanistan's borders, where Taliban 
fighters are challenging the U.S. and NATO-backed government of President Hamid 
Karzai, could well spill over into neighboring countries.

The SCO is a security grouping dominated by Russia and China that also includes 
the four Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and 
Uzbekistan. It was initially established in 2001 to primarily deal with 
concerns over terrorism, separatism and extremism.

"All member countries of the SCO are making active contributions to the 
Afghanistan issue, including economic cooperation and energy support," 
Imanaliev said.

He said the security bloc is assessing membership applications submitted by 
Tehran and Islamabad. The group is currently reviewing its criteria for new 
membership. He did not specify when a decision would be made on their bids.

Discussions on expanding the group's membership is not surprising, although 
that doesn't mean Iran and Pakistan will soon join, said Niu Jun, a professor 
at Peking University's School of International Relations.

Niu said he expected there would be lengthy discussions first, especially on 
Iran, which would be seen as a provocative move.

"If Iran joined, it would drastically change the original function of the SCO, 
which was dealing with the terrorism threat with cooperation from China's 
neighboring countries. The joining of Iran would mean that the meaning of SCO 
has totally changed," he said.

China and Russia also see the group as a way to increase cooperation on 
financial issues, and consider it a counterweight to U.S. influence in the 
energy-rich, former Soviet states of Central Asia. Iran's participation would 
boost that energy cooperation.

Imanaliev said member states are planning to step up cooperation on regional 
security issues, particularly anti-terrorism efforts, as well economic 

A summit among the six member nations is planned in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, later 
this year, though no date has been set.

Another conference on peace settlement in Afghanistan is supposed to take place 
in Kabul at the end of the year, the official China Daily newspaper reported.

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