Hi Richard,

The answer is to use 2 lexer rules instead of one, and change the parser 
rule. It is generally not a good idea to mark whitespace as hidden (as 
you have done), and also use whitespace in your lexer rules. Here is 
what I would try:

grammar testing;

start :
        (       DOLLAR? INT CENTS?
        |       NEW_LINE

fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9';

DOLLAR  : '$';

INT :  DIGIT+ (',' DIGIT+)*;

        : ('\r'?'\n');

WS  : (SPACE |'\t'|'\u000C')
fragment SPACE
        : ' ';

- Justin

On 2/15/2011 6:05 AM, Richard Druce wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sure this question has been answered before but I'm not sure how
> to phrase it well enough to find it in the archives.
> I want to match to inputs an INT such as '   170  \n'
> and an AMOUNT such as '  $ 170.00 ' (unfortunately there is
> occasionally a space before the amount)
> The following grammar works for ' $ 170.00 ' but not for  ' 170 ' it
> sees the space and tries to match the AMOUNT and the output
> 'mismatched character ' ' expecting '.' ' is provided.  Reading
> through the antlr reference book, it looks like there are a number of
> ways to possibly handle this but I'm not sure how best to approach it.
> grammar testing;
> start :
>       (AMOUNT
>       | INT
>       | NEW_LINE)+;
> fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9';
> AMOUNT        : '$'? SPACE? DIGIT+ (','DIGIT+)? '.' DIGIT DIGIT;
> INT :  DIGIT+ (','DIGIT+)?;
>       : ('\r'?'\n');
> WS  : (SPACE |'\t'|'\u000C')
>       {$channel=HIDDEN;};
> fragment SPACE
>       : ' ';
> Thanks,
> Richard
> --
> m: +44 753 489 2926
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