At 11:29 AM 10/25/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>+---------- On Oct 25, Patrick Spence said:
> > Does it have to be compiled differently to enable the -z flag?
> > every time I
> > try to enable it on my server it prevents it from loading..
>Tell us exactly what you did and exactly what the computer did.

Well, my system has decided to prove me wrong..  I just retested it and it
works fine..   what I did then, and now, is to add the z to the -it portion
of the commandline that calls nsd from inittab... I also tried -z seperate
from the -it   before it would just not load nsd back up.. no errors in the
log.. nothing..

Wierd, it works find now..

sigh..  nothing like having your computer mess with your head publically.. :)

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