Part of the problem I have had in debugging modules is getting that the
symbols of the module are loaded at runtime, not at link time.


my gdbinit contains:

set args -d -s theashergroup -ft /web/aol33/theashergroup.tcl -u
theashergroup -g web
handler 13 nostop pass
file /web/aol33/bin/nsd8x

Then I start aolserver under gdb

Set a break at nsd/modload.c/NsLoadModules()

break NsLoadModules

Then run....

and when you hit NsLoadModules, step through it.  Your module will
eventually be loaded and its initproc run with a call to Ns_ModuleLoad.

Have fun,


Jerry Asher                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1678 Shattuck Avenue Suite 161   Tel: (510) 549-2980
Berkeley, CA 94709               Fax: (877) 311-8688

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