Cygwin is a great toolkit, and I heartily recommend it to anyone
who is used to working on Unix.  But I would like to see AOLserver 4
continue to run natively under Win32.  In addition to Cygwin taking
up disk space and adding another layer of debugging / installation /
complexity, there is a performance penalty - not something I'm excited
about introducing into my web server.
   I don't want to seem ungrateful - I am indebted to Jim, Kris, and the
rest of the AOLserver community for their fantastic work.  I just hate
seeing good features go away.
   Anyway, I will try to build AOLserver 4b2 on top of Cygwin sometime
soon.  In the meantime, please email me if you are interested in
experimenting with this.


At 02:06 PM 11/8/2001 -0600, Rob Mayoff wrote:

>This was discussed in the last weekly chat. Yes, the plan is to stop
>supporting Win32 in AOLserver. Reasons given, as I recall, were that it
>took a lot of Jim's time to implement/maintain and added significant
>complexity to some parts of the code, such as the threads package
>(especially since he's now considering supporting only pthreads, not
>other random proprietary threads APIs).
>A suggestion was floated that AOLserver could perhaps run on top of the
>cygwin package, which implements many Unix APIs and commands under
>Windows.  If someone wishes to port AOLserver to run on cygwin, and it
>doesn't require many changes, then I suspect that Jim would accept
>the patches for that.

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