Support Requests item #625689, was opened at 2002-10-19 16:05
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Category: Configuration: Other
Group: aolserver3_4
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Works For Me
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Chris Bowlby (morthoron)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Aolserver dies on startup

Initial Comment:
Hi All,

 Ok, I've got an AOlserver/OpenACS server that has been
working for a fairly desent amount of time, which out
issue. However, this weekend she died rather suddenly
and I have not been able to restart with out it

 I have fiddled with the stacksize value to the point
of even setting it to [4096x1024] but she still dies
with out any warning (last long enought to attempt to
spawn out the secondary process and dies)...

 The server is not running close to running out of
memoery (4 gigs in place at this time), the log file
shows she's connecting to the database, doing some
queries but she dies right after executing this query:

Notice: dbinit:
sql( '
        select distinct package_key
        from apm_package_versions
        where enabled_p='t'

 That is the last thing displayed in the log file.
I've done some extensive tracing on the log file and do
not find anything other then one warning about ns_share
(which as far as I can tell is not being used

 Anyone have any ideas? should I be upgrading to
aolserver 3.5?


>Comment By: Chris Bowlby (morthoron)
Date: 2002-10-19 17:49

Logged In: YES

I was able to get it working after rebuild both the pgdriver
and aolserver with the additional modules that I needed to
patch in. Thanks for the help, but for some reason I think a
dependent library got hosed somewhere, rebuilding aolserver
has attatched the dependency to the new library (which ever
it is :>)..

thanks for the help.


Comment By: Dossy Shiobara (dossy)
Date: 2002-10-19 17:01

Logged In: YES

We seem to be talking past each other here.  Heh.

Well, think about what things have changed, system-wide, in
the recent past.  Then, I'd just recommend you try recompiling
AOLserver and the various modules and database drivers
that you use.  Take backups of everything beforehand, just
in case.

Then, see if the problem goes away.

If not, I'd suggest running nsd under gdb and see exactly where
it croaks.

-- Dossy


Comment By: Dossy Shiobara (dossy)
Date: 2002-10-19 16:59

Logged In: YES

You haven't said, but I'm assuming you're using PostgreSQL instead of
Oracle.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

Did you recently upgrade your database?  What's changed in the time
between when it was working fine and when it started misbehaving?

My first thought is to recompile the database driver.  You can use the
same source that you originally built it with.  I'd just want to make sure
that it get rebuilt and relinked in case any system libraries have

-- Dossy


Comment By: Chris Bowlby (morthoron)
Date: 2002-10-19 16:59

Logged In: YES

We are using PostgreSQL as our database server..


Comment By: Chris Bowlby (morthoron)
Date: 2002-10-19 16:54

Logged In: YES

Hi Dossy,

 ns_section "ns/db/drivers"
if { $database == "oracle" } {
    ns_param   ora8            ${bindir}/
} else {
    ns_param   postgres        ${bindir}/  ;#
Load PostgreSQL driver

 The source was from ports, but was patched to use some
additional modules used by OpenACS 4 before it was


Comment By: Dossy Shiobara (dossy)
Date: 2002-10-19 16:48

Logged In: YES

I forgot to ask for the ns/db/drivers section, too.  Can you include that?

You're running AOLserver 3.4.x ... was that built from source gotten from, or did you grab it from the ports collection?

-- Dossy


Comment By: Chris Bowlby (morthoron)
Date: 2002-10-19 16:44

Logged In: YES

Hi Dossy,

 Thanks for responding as quickly as you did..

 The modules section:

ns_section ns/server/${server}/modules
ns_param   nssock          ${bindir}/
ns_param   nslog           ${bindir}/
ns_param   nssha1          ${bindir}/
ns_param   nscache         ${bindir}/
ns_param   nsrewrite       ${bindir}/
ns_param   nsxml           ${bindir}/

 And the os specific version is as follows:

 We are using FreeBSD 4.7-Stable at this time on an Dual
intel 1.2 Ghz, with 4 Gigs of RAM, 100 GBytes disk in
hardware RAID 5...


Comment By: Dossy Shiobara (dossy)
Date: 2002-10-19 16:35

Logged In: YES

Also, what platform/OS/version are you running this on?

-- Dossy


Comment By: Dossy Shiobara (dossy)
Date: 2002-10-19 16:34

Logged In: YES


What modules are being loaded?  Can you include the entire ns/server/
${server_name}/modules section of your nsd.tcl on this ticket?


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