On Wednesday, October 23, 2002, at 04:36 AM, Durga wrote:

Hello Dossy/Jansson,

I did re-install the AOL server. However, I still see same error message.
Here it is:

[22/Oct/2002:14:24:34][1222.1][-main-] Notice: modload: loading
[22/Oct/2002:14:24:34][1222.1][-main-] Warning: modload: no such symbol
'Ns_ModuleInit' in module '/users/WWW/AOL/aolserver_3.5/bin/nssock.so'
[22/Oct/2002:14:24:34][1222.1][-main-] Fatal: modload: failed to load

I notice that this is a different set of paths than you provided

The problem is that, as part of AOLserver startup, it's attempting to load
the shared library at /users/WWW/AOL/aolserver_3.5/bin/nssock.so, but
apparently this file does not contain a correctly compiled version of the
library.  Can you provide the output of this command:

       ls -l /users/WWW/AOL/aolserver_3.5/bin

Can you also provide the command line you are using to start the AOLserver?

It would also be helpful if you would stick to one set of paths for the
AOLserver installation from here, rather than moving it around more.


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