Can someone help me?.. Error from server.log is:

[16/Oct/2002:16:54:12][21439.1][-main-] Notice: nsmain: AOLserver/3.5.0
[16/Oct/2002:16:54:12][21439.1][-main-] Notice: modload:
[16/Oct/2002:16:54:12][21439.1][-main-] Warning: modload: no such
symbol'Ns_ModuleInit' in module '/pub/AOLserver/bin/'
[16/Oct/2002:16:54:12][21439.1][-main-] Fatal: modload: failed to load
module '/pub/AOLserver/bin/'


-----Original Message-----
From: AOLserver Discussion [mailto:AOLSERVER@;LISTSERV.AOL.COM]On Behalf
Of Durga
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] AOL Web Server Installation Error's

Hello Folks,

I have fixed that previous ERROR message about installation error's.... Now,
I installed the AOL server successfully. However, I have trouble in starting
the web server. Here is the error message from log file:

[16/Oct/2002:16:54:12][21439.1][-main-] Notice: nsmain: AOLserver/3.5.0
[16/Oct/2002:16:54:12][21439.1][-main-] Notice: modload: loading
[16/Oct/2002:16:54:12][21439.1][-main-] Warning: modload: no such symbol
'Ns_ModuleInit' in module '/pub/msp0/bin/'
[16/Oct/2002:16:54:12][21439.1][-main-] Fatal: modload: failed to load
module '/pub/msp0/bin/'

any idea?..Can somebody help me what's this for?

Thanks a lot in advance!


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