I'm not 100% sure this is correct, but...

I think the main features missing are related to internationalization.
Arsdigita added some functions to the C and TCL APIs that OpenACS uses.
 (ns_charsets, ns_encodingfortype, ns_encodingforcharset, etc.)
AOLserver 4.0 uses some similar functions internally and makes them
available in the C API, but not in the TCL API.  (Ns_ConnGetEncoding,
Ns_GetCharsetEncoding, etc.)  I think there's less charset support in
3.5.1 than 4.0, though there's been work to forward port the ad13
changes to 3.4 that might be useful.  There hasn't been a lot of
testing, but OpenACS seems to work with 3.5.1 if you aren't using
multiple charsets.
More information here:


There also used to be an issue of additional/patched modules (nsoracle,
nspostgres, nscache, nssha1, ...) but all of these except the updated
nspostgres have been moved into SF I think.  There are a few other minor
differences, like SF patch #474259.

Nathan, could we add discussion of an integration effort to the agenda
for next week's chat?  I can ask the OpenACS people working on i18n to


Nathan Folkman wrote:

What are the major differences that would need to be bridged between the
stock 3.5.1 code base and 3.3+ad13. There seems to be a large amount of
email, bugs, etc. around the ad versions. Would things become easier if
we were all working from a single common code base? ...I know this is a
somewhat loaded question, but I'm curious as to what features are
considered missing from the 3.5.1 code base. Thanks!

- n

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