On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 03:46, Patrick Spence wrote:
> > for magazines, update my website, and run naked through the streets if
> > necessary.
> I want pictures.. :)

Pictures! I'm waiting for the world tour.

Of course you realise that a precedent has already been set for this
just down the road from me by Lady Godiva (1040-1080 AD) who rode naked
through the streets of Coventry to promote her crusade on taxes.

"As noon approached, so did Lady Godiva. ...

She sat straight and properly in the saddle with a look of composure on
her face; relaxed, confident, unashamed. Her hair was done in two large
braids which were curled snugly at the back of her head, one on each
side; she wore no jewelry or other adornment. People looked at her and
saw that she was not merely naked, or nude; rather she was in a higher
state of presentation -- being a correct and elevated quality of her
composure, and resulting also from the people's appraisal, appreciation,
and consideration beyond simple voyeurism."  -

Can we expect a similar performance?


Steve Manning - Linux Mandrake 9.0 - Gnome 2.0
East Goscote  - Leicester - UK +44 (0)116 260 5457
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