In a message dated 3/15/2003 5:42:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is a legal liability for me as my web page may display without important
information in the case of a coding error.  In my case it is much better to
display an error than to display what appears to be a complete page.

Interesting - this is a good reason for ADP to work similar to ASP as you suggest.  At AOL, we generally take the opposite view, that small components (an ad, small widget, etc.) could fail but we should continue to try to display the rest of the contents. Perhaps the ADP parser should be configurable to support these three modes:

1. Current simple script block isolated mode.
2. Connected script blocks via use of the Tcl_CommandComplete checks (Rob's idea)
3. Full compile into a single script in the style of ASP.


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