On Friday 28 November 2003 14:24, you wrote:
> Looks really great !
> Could it be a core part of a next AOLServer release if the package is
> faster thant standard AOLServer thread management ?

We still have to prove that it works fine in all environments.
It does very good job for us, but there might still be some
issues which I'm not aware of.
As for the performance: well, it is much more faster to load
a 10K Tcl script for thread inits than a 5MB beast.
People with large sites (= lots of stuff to load into the
interp at init time) will definitely see huge improvement.
Others may not.
In our case, the memory per-interp was about 10 MB,
which yields 100 MB for 10 threads. Usually we have about
30-50 threads, which gives a remarkable footprint.
With the package, we are about at 1 MB/interp. It increases
when threads are hit and unknown starts to load procs/classes
but overall we observed about 1/3 of the usage.
Again, people with smaller setups wont see that big difference.

> Is the use of the "unknown" command the same as the one used by AOL during
> beta test phase of the 4.0 for their server with 9000 procs (problems with
> thread init too long) ?

It is the same *basic* approach but *very* different
implementation. I use Tcl command traces instead of
introspective scripts. Also, the implementation is
fully namespace aware and also much more simpler and
straightworward. It is also written in a way that it
can be extended by users to accomodate special needs.
Finally, it supports the XOTcl 1.1.0 (the best OO-extension
for Tcl on the planet :) ) out of the box.

Having said all this ...

> I hope I will have time to test this package on my dev server.

... I would be happy if you can give it a test try
and report your experience.


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