On Monday 08 March 2004 09:13 pm, you wrote:

> Also, the ns_logctl command does
> have per-thread buffering capabilities -- you could wrap whatever you're
> doing with it, e.g., in ADP:
> <%
> ns_logctl hold; # begins buffering log messages in this thread alone
> ns_adp_include myfile.adp
> set msgs [ns_logctl peek];  # gets current buffered log messages
> ns_logctl release;  # disables buffer, flushes results to log  file
> ...send $msgs somewhere, perhaps over the network...
> %>
> Also, the server log fd is currently very carefully dup'ed to fd 1 & 2.
> This captures dumb modules or API code which might carelessly chatter to
> stderr or stdout.

Thanks for pointing this out. It is definitely a good thing
for people wanting to keep logs generated from one thread
together, i.e. not cluttered with logs from other threads.
In fact, we already employ this in order to better analyze
(otherwise intermingled) log information.

Now, our app consist of several AS instances running on
different nodes on the net. One of them is a central
control point whereas the others are treated as clients
w/o any administration / management. We even update their
SW on the fly, over the net. During operation, their log
is of course generated localy. There might be several
different threads running there, producing lots of
valuable data we'd like to store/analyze centraly.

So my naive idea was, if I were able to swap the log fd against
a Tcl channel, I could simply re-route all resulting log traffic
somewhere else. The emphasis is on "all" traffic. Not just from
one thread. I do not even know when and howmany of them are
being created over there! But I want all their logs at one place.
If there is some other way of doing this, I'd be happy to hear.
Tricks like NFS, syslog, etc. are out of the question because
of the multi-platform nature (Unix/Win mix), network topology
and protocol support.

Any ideas?


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