Bas Scheffers wrote:

Has anyone done any work in integrating SQLite with the ns_db api? Might
be an interesting project for 2 reasons: 1) There will be a simple DB
again right out of the box, like the Illustra days and 2) it will be easy
to write smaller, packaged apps that run out of the box on a plain vanilla
AOLserver install, probably attracting new souls to the cause.

Yes, I did that some time ago. It works, should be quite stable and handles schema changes without throwing an error (that is a quick hack involving doing all the query, storing it in memory and sending rows back without querying SQLite).

I also did code to call Tcl functions from within SQLite.

Unfortunately, I am low on time and C skills, otherwise I would give it a
go soon myself...

I put up my attempts on - if anyone would like to write some docs or something, please do so.

ps. PHP5 also has sqlite.


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