Dossy quoted Tom:
> > > 6. Split the discussion between C level source code and applications.
> >
> > There's few enough AOLserver developers who deal at the C
> > code level that having a separate mailing list....
In reply,
On Tuesday 08 February 2005 14:01, Tim Moss wrote:
> I too don't think splitting the list would help at this stage - you might
> end up with an us and them elite vs. newbies split which never helps.
Amazing when you take a single sentence, and forget the following two
paragraphs labled A & B. I was speaking of the website, not the mailing list.
I'm not suggesting any changes to the mailing list (unless we could ditch the
less than reliable software which runs it). Without discussion on the website
about how to use AOLserver, via Tutorials, etc. Right now the website is 100%
about AOLserver, the software. And several times in the last few days Dossy
has directly said: go somewhere else for examples. If the website is going to
remain about AOLserver (the massively scaleable engine behind Digital City),
then lets here about all the software that makes it so, because AOLserver
itself isn't.


I've mentioned in an email earlier today that I have compiled a complete (or
99% complete) list of config parameters, for the modules I have had time to
work on. The example also makes it easy for module maintainers to add a
single file which documents all the parameters used.
<> contains just the config files.
If for no other reason than documentation purposes, all config parameters
should appear in the config files, so you can get the values after startup.

> >     lib_broadcast.tcl   Broadcast Service
> >
> > It's not AOL's NV implementation, but it's *an* implementation that's
> > already available.
> Hmm very interesting and very cool - last time I looked there the NV stuff
> was by its own admission only partially functional.

It uses HTTP GET! I'm impressed. I started a simple package called tclbean,
which allows you to get/set nsv's on another AOLserver. It isn't implimented
correctly, but I'm fixing it. I see two types of NVs: push/pull and
subscribe/broadcast. The push/pull variety would never maintain state on the
client and could push values as well as retrieve them. Subscribe/broadcast is
more like what Jim Davidson described. NVs can be used to cache database
queries, or any other data which is dynamic, but within a given timeframe
appears static.

tom jackson

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