
What is the difference between naviserver and aolserver... ?

Le 25 mai 05 à 20:25, Vlad Seryakov a écrit :

Try newest FreeTDS 0.63 with my modified nsfreetds driver.

It does not support interfaces anymore, use freetds.conf and describe
datasource there.

---- nsd.tcl

ns_section      "ns/db/pool/cbill"
ns_param        driver                  freetds
ns_param        connections             10
ns_param        user                    cbill
ns_param        password                cbill
ns_param        datasource              Billing
ns_param        verbose                 Off
ns_param        logsqlerrors            On
ns_param        maxidle                 31536000

---- freetds.conf
        host = cbill
        port = 1433
        tds version = 7.0

Cory Grimster wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble getting nsfreetds running, and I'm hoping that
someone can spot what I'm doing wrong.  I noticed that several
people on
the list have gotten it working at various times, so I assume it's
just me.

I'm using nsfreetds 0.4 with FreeTDS (newer versions of
won't compile on this server) and AOLserver 4.0.10
running on Mandrake 10.0.  I'm trying to connect to Microsoft
Desktop Engine 2000 SP4 running on my Windows XP workstation.  I'm
getting the "could not allocate a handle from database pool "pool4""
error page when I hit my site.

I can connect to the SQL server with tsql, though it doesn't give
me any
output when I type in SQL commands.  Not sure what that's about.
Authentication works fine, and it rejects me if I don't give it the
correct credentials.  Anyway, I'm assuming that it works for now
and am
trying to get nsfreetds working.

The relevent sections from my config.tcl (copied from the
nsfreetds FAQ)
are as follows:

ns_section ns/db/drivers
    ns_param    freetds            ${bindir}/

ns_section ns/db/pools
    ns_param    pool4              "FreeTDS Pool"

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool4
    ns_param    maxidle            1000000000
    ns_param    maxopen            1000000000
    ns_param    connections        5
    ns_param    verbose            $debug
    ns_param    extendedtableinfo  true
    ns_param    logsqlerrors       $debug

    ns_param    driver             freetds
    ns_param    datasource         fooserver [also tried
    ns_param    user               sa
    ns_param    password           bazpassword

ns_section ns/server/${server}/db
    ns_param    pools              "*"
    ns_param    defaultpool        pool4

I have the SYBASE environment variable set to /usr/local/etc,
which is
where my interfaces file lives.  It looks like this:

    query tcp 8.0 1433 [I have tried protocol version
4.2 instead of 8.0 and it makes no difference]

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.  I've been
banging my head against it for a few days now and I'm afraid that I'm
missing something obvious but am at a loss as to what it might be.

Thanks in advance,


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Vlad Seryakov
571 262-8608 office

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