On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 03:13:19AM -0700, Fred Cox wrote:

> PIII 800MHz 512MB RAM, 40GB IDE drive.

Well, that will run a whole bunch of Tcl interpretors just fine, if
you so desire.  People were running rather large database-backed
websites on harder not all that much faster than that just a few years
ago, after all.

> > There are many good reasons to use C with AOLserver, but "I don't
> > want to bother to learn any Tcl at all." is not one of them.
> Quotation marks should mean you are quoting someone.
> That statement is not what I said, or meant.  I am
> willing to learn Tcl if there's a need, but I don't
> perceive a need to do that at this point.

In this case the quotation marks indicated my hypothetical rephrasing
of what I thought you meant.  Seems I was mistaken, which in this case
is a good thing!

> On another tangent, my web searching indicates that it's possible to
> keep AOLserver from starting up a Tcl interpreter for each thread,
> but the method was not described.

I think it was Stephen Deasey discussing how to avoid unnecessary Tcl
interp startup in some threads, but I've no idea how you actually do

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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